Brett Alan

I was thinking Jet Jaguar in Godzilla vs. Megalon, which will mean something to MST3K diehards (although I actually saw the movie in a theater way back when!).

If you were too emotional for *almost* being in tears, what was I? B>)

OK, I know this is way down on the page, but I'm disappointed in the Python-fandom here. I had it all set up for someone to reply with something like:

She could easily have known she was pregnant for three months but not be showing in a way that would be noticeable onscreen.

That sounds better. I think a lot of the problem—apart from all the times where they might as well have the characters just say "she can only attack us once because otherwise we'd have to make every episode about her"—is that they often don't seem very much like heroes. It would be nice to have a week where the team

He's not pinin'! He's passed on! This bastard is no more! He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his makers!

<stannis baratheon="" voice=""> Fewer. </stannis>

Because, apparently, it's in some magical location which reporters and paparazzi can't get to. After all, the First Lady of Illinois kissed a man other than her husband, in public, outside her apartment, with the Governor—who is currently the subject of grand jury hearings—inside, and no one was around to take a

Back when Star Trek TNG did A Fistful of Datas, I recall people saying that it was a trope that every Sci Fi show had to do a bad Western episode. Hopefully this one was bad enough to suffice for the entire Arrowverse. It really did feel like bad Trek, and particularly like Time's Arrow where (spoiler alert) a guest

Oh, yes, Snart is very much Edge.

Everybody's understandably focused on Laurel, but on a different note, it drives me crazy when TV characters argue and get angry about which one is right rather than just FIND OUT. It used to happen on Law & Order all the time—the two detectives would argue about their respective theories rather than consider them

Spoiler warnings, please. (Not about the speculation, but the about the upcoming Flash episode.)

Here's how bad the marketing was—there was just a question about this movie on Jeopardy (well, it may be an old Jeopardy, but I just watched it) and I was thinking, why are they asking about this in the category "Recent Cinema"? It's an old TV show, not a recent movie! B^)

It did. They hired Elsbeth to solve the problem a few weeks ago, but she realized she had a conflict of interest, which is why she referred them to her husband instead.

It wasn't, because, as the article alludes to, the 12-inch version turns into "Where Did Our Love Go", This was the single version, which fades out before that, It's only about 2:40.

Also, she couldn't come up with, you know, an argument? They knew she was there, couldn't she say that she's seen The Flash in person a bunch of times, and this blur looked different? Or something?

Yeah! Because I'm sure if one of us were kidnapped as a teenager by an ACTUAL MONSTER WITH SUPERPOWERS, we'd be totally chill!

Absolutely right. There is absolutely no chance that Clinton will choose a running mate who has a known sex scandal in his past. And he's from her original home state, a state that's solidly blue. With no sex scandal, Florrick might be a plausible veep candidate—governor who's been a prosecutor, that's a plus—but more

You know, it would have made a lot more sense if Sarah had posed as Ray's husband (sorry, but at the time, it was obvious that an interracial relationship would turn people off—in the real world, when the real estate agent suggested you look in a more "appropriate" town, there was no way they would have been sold that

Yes. He started his career as Siddig el Fadil, then changed it to sound more mainstream.