Brett Alan

Giving the context of saying we met last year just left we wondering why I didn't remember the character. I guess there's not much they could do, though.

I was just repeating your idea elsewhere in the thread. It would have made the show way better.


Did anyone notice the metahuman posters on the wall of Barry-2's office? They were mostly people we know—Zoom, Deathstorm, Dr. Light. But there was also one named Atom something, probably Atom Smasher. And his helmet looked to me like the one worn by tapping glass guy. I don't think that's a coincidence, although it

They already did the slow dial up joke in Huangsgiving, when Eddie and Justin spent forever downloading a picture of Tracy Chapman. Of course, it's a wonder they downloaded it at all since, according to this episode, they didn't have a computer yet!

The comic character is actually John Stewart.

"Escape" didn't come out until 1979.

That mention was the highlight of the episode for me. Love those old JSA/All-Star Squadron stories with Degaton as the villain.

Yeah, thanks to bothisgood for this. The funniest TV moment of the season.

I thought that Katie Cassidy was a lot taller than Caity Lotz, too, but apparently not. Lotz is actually 5'6", just an inch shorter.

Agreed. I was going through in my mind the shows I watch, which don't track all that well with the shows listed here. I mean, some of my faves here are listed—doesn't everyone watch Game of Thrones?—but there are a bunch of shows I watch not listed, some of which weren't at their best this year (The Good Wife) and

I think Patty's on the show because the writers wanted a love interest for Barry, and figured that making her Joe's partner would be efficient. She's named "Patty Spivot" because that's a name from the comics, The Spivot character was after I stopped reading comics, but I don't get the feeling that there was much

You clearly ARE a crybaby about spoilers. Just about being asked to be nice about them.

Agent Culinary Ignoramus

I assume you're thinking "Let the battle begin!", but I'd rather he have gone with…"The secret ingredient is…fish oil!"

Yes, a more qualified white male should sometimes lose out to a (somewhat) less qualified minority. Why? Because, in this society, with all the inequalities in background and treatment, a minority has to work harder and be better to reach the same level of being "qualified". White people get treated better and are

People from Baltimore attend Northwestern or Chicago Law.

Her reaction to Louis' balloon bit was fabulous, especially with the addition of the little boy "in a documentary" who sailed up to the sun.

They were going to do that, but they some dweeb who looked like Ross told them "You could not be more wrong. You could try… but you would
not be successful."

"Ah, forget it! I'm going with Pearson Hardman! Um, I mean, Pearson Specter! Peason Darby? Pearson Darby Specter? No, Pearson Specter Litt! Yeah…um, maybe not…."