Brett Alan

Yes! But remember, the last time Stannis heard a less/fewer error, he did NOT correct it, and that is when all the trouble started. Davos learned the lesson well.

When Cercei was going on about how Dany was bringing in the Dothraki and the Unsullied to pillage and rape and make everyone's life miserable, I was half-expecting her to say "Some, I assume, are good people" and/or complain that the fake news wasn't reporting that….

It was probably over a weekend. Doesn't seem strange to me that on a weekend the detectives and top officers wouldn't be around much anyway. Maybe they take an extra day, but the precinct is probably running in something close to its regular weekend mode.

Yeah…but "chubby cheek" sounds like it's referring to the shape of her face, and not her body type.

I'd say her priority was tracking down your Autocorrect for mangling her name like that. B^)

Loved the shout-out to Brothers & Sisters—Cat Grant saying that Rob Lowe proposed to her! Lowe and Flockhart played a married couple on that show….

Yeah, the fact that they were not at all clear as to the rules of the combat, including, like, how you win, was definitely a problem with the episode.

Forget about mourning him? How about trying to SAVE him? He was still conscious, and they're just sitting there talking to him. Surely it was worth TRYING to save his life? I mean, Barry could have gotten him to a hospital in a fraction of a second, not to mention that he could have tried superfast surgery if

The reference to evil twins would more likely have been to Black Siren.

"Did you try telling Chase he doesn't have to do this?"

Unlike a lot of people here, I have not really been digging Arrow lately. I've also been hating The Flash lately, after loving it back in Season 1. (WARNING: I'm going to be talking about the general plot lines of the other DC and Marvel broadcast shows this season.) And I think I've found the main reason it's not

Except the story of that season was "how do we stop Damien Darkh>" The story of this season was "how do we prevent Iris from dying?"


He's too much.

Maybe Seasons 2 and 3 will take off their disguises and reveal themselves to be time remnants of Season 1.


Somewhere in a future CW-verse episode, we will hear the line: "Wait a minute—on your Earth, prisoners need food, water, and bathroom facilities?"

Mary Beth Lacey, but the fact that I have to go back that far tends to support your point.;

Fantastic! But now you've got me wanting to write the OTHER dialogue left on the cutting room floor: