Brett Alan

Ah-HAH! Any American would KNOW that the question is "VHS or Betamax", and that they're both VCRs! You are CLEARLY a Soviet spy, sent here to gather intelligence on this comments section for your homeland!

Agent Fitz McConnell.


At what point do we add up what this Administration is doing? At a Black History Month celebration, Trump spoke about Frederick Douglass as if he were alive. Then on Passover, Spicer says that Hitler wasn't as bad as Assad, and his clarification notably does not ever speak about the suffering of the Jews. At what

Yeah, that was one of my first experiences with what wonders the World Wide Web held. I though it was quirky of me that I had tried several different varieties of generic Dr. Pepper knockoffs, and then I got true internet access and discovered that there were multiple people who actually had websites devoted to all

Agent Pleasepleaseplease Staygoneawayforonce.

I like it.

And he'll get a stomachache from all that ice cream, I guess.

"The Legion of Doom are killers!"

Great point with the food. This Is Us is another of my favorite shows, but they've made mistakes in this area—see the scene where Mandy Moore tries to get a cake for her husband's birthday—and it really takes you out of the moment. I can't recall that happening on The Americans, so much kudos for that.

Yes. And doubly so because not only is it ridiculous to think that they'd do such a thing in person (even, as a poster below in the thread suggests, as a proof of concept—you don't prove a concept by doing it differently), but even if you allow that they would, they wouldn't have multiple name partners of the law firm

McCartney did record it, for his standards album Kisses On The Bottom a few years ago, Also, he owns the publishing rights. Still, it's of course absurd to call it a McCartney song….

I was so waiting for the wormhole, er, speedforce entities to say "The Cisco is of Bajor".

Verbing weirds language!

Winn's last words would be a Homer Simpson-esqe "I regret nothing!"

No, same actor…he just had a huge growth spurt between seasons which is why he looks different.

I've got a worse version of that. I teach test prep, and when the SATs were more vocabulary-intensive (up until the latest revision) I would tell my students they could put me on the spot to see if they could find a word I didn't know. Well, one time a girl in my class said that her seventh grade soccer coach was

Yeah, that was strange, especially since Marissa is Jewish!

Person Of Color.