Brett Alan


I've never seen the movie, but I've loved the original album for years, since my friends at summer camp played it for me when I was about 12 or so. Also saw a wonderful stage production in college, and a made-for-TV version on PBS a few years back.

Yeah, you beat me to it. If the Bernadette storyline didn't "veer into mean-spirited territory", it's only because it started out in the middle of it. She tries to sell it behind his back, reassures him that she'll consider his feelings and then immediately marks it for sale again, tries to arm-wrestle him for it

The fact that John Noble never won an Emmy for Fringe was already proof of that. (The fact that he wasn't even nominated just makes it that much worse.)

In Soviet Russia, your neighbor's ex-wife has picture of YOU in bikini!


No, you're not the only one. I'm not fond of losing the secret of Arrow's identity, but mostly I still feel that this whole plot makes no sense. It's a stretch to buy that Ra's wants to force Ollie to succeed him when he has a whole League of people who really want the job (including his own daughter)…but if that's

…and then, after an extended monologue, flipping the "on" switch!

I saw it coming, and I still laughed harder than I have in ages. Awesome.

Another major problem with offering Finn the job: she just gave a speech a few days ago where she said that offering jobs to people you already know and are comfortable with without first interviewing others amounts to unintended racism. And she immediately makes exactly such an offer to a white male friend. I think

Well, it would be nice if we got to see, you know, The Atom.

That reminds me—how did Morgan, who usually can't afford to go halfsises on a candy bar, save up thousands of dollars?

Well, the first season of Happy Endings was pretty darn inconsistent. Overall, though, I agree that Happy Endings was funnier, and that's not a knock on TMP.

Upvoted for the best outfit comment. Mindy's outfit in Boston was indeed gorgeous.

Well said. Shaking up the status quo once in a while is a good thing, but shaking it up all the time doesn't work because we never get to see what the status quo IS. I feel like we never really saw Diane joining Cary and Alicia's startup before it morphed back into LG-with-a-different-name, and now we're not really

Ugh…too much illogic for me. Mainly: it's hard enough to buy that Ra's wants Ollie to replace him when he has a whole League of people who presumably want the job (and I guess The Prophesy of the Sword actually gives that some credibility), but why let him go and then try to force him to comply? If Ra's wants it that

He wasn't risking anything. If it was a ploy—and I'm not sure it was—it was simple:

Yes, that line alone made the episode for me.

Do you think this was some kind of subtle reference to Parker Young, who played Wyatt? In his last show, Enlisted, he played a soldier assigned to…wait for it…