Brett Alan

No, it's cause for the prosecutors to offer him a lower charge and lighter sentence in exchange for a guilty plea. Certainly happens on TV all the time, and IANAL but it seems consistent with what I know about the real-life situations as well.

I would totally watch a show of just Constance Wu quoting classic movies.

I agree, pretty blah episode. And the idea that the producers would just happen to accidentally have ChumHum's logo in not one but several shots—no way. Network shows are very careful about that (how many boxes of Love That Crunch! do TV characters eat) and even if they weren't, why would all the computers be on the

Um, well, yeah, but mostly he answered it by saying that if the League captured Merlyn, he'd show them the video of Thea killing Sara, and the League would kill Thea. But when the League actually DID capture Merlyn, suddenly Ollie was sure that Merlyn would NOT let Thea be killed. So now he says he doesn't want Merlyn

I trust the writers of the show enough to believe it says UNinterested, not disinterested.

Editing the song where they did, so it came out "May, she will stay/The autumn winds blow chilly and cold" made NO SENSE AT ALL. Editing it one line earlier or later would have worked.

I agree about why Cole killed Henri. That also means that Cassie wasn't responsible for Henri's death—if she hadn't told Cole to go to Haiti, then he gets killed by the Pale Man (because he can't and won't tell them how to find the night room) and everyone thinks he was killed for the drugs. Cole saves him from the

Yeah, Adam and Katrina are SO sure that he's smart enough to beat the odds that it would never in a million years occur to them that he might have had a reason for saying that, or that they should ask him what he thinks! I enjoyed that scene more by thinking that Max was so impatient to get it over with because he

Agreed. I've mentioned this before here—they really, REALLY have not figured out how to do fights with The Flash. I mean, jeez, just having Cold and Heatwave standing back to back with their guns on would have been better. As set up, there's no reason that Flash couldn't have disarmed them both or simply knocked them

I always remember because it was central to a classic scene in Family Ties (they were prepping Mallory for Alex' high-school-challenge team). Yeah, I'm a TV geek. B^)

It would have been nice, though, if instead of going to Adam and beseeching him to put his financial neck on the line because her husband has a sad, Jasmine had instead sat down with Crosby to find some actual plans for making the business do better.

Well, remember, she doesn't know what we know. What I thought was awesome about this episode was that Team Machine had a fantastic chance to make a crucial alliance with Control and Grice…but neither knew enough of what the other side knew to complete it. Harold or Reece would have understood exactly what the Nautilus

Max took command of Chamber Academy, and ordered all the other students to build him a Skittles vending machine.

In your opinion?

OK, you were the first one to mention the actual best episode of the series (TOW Phoebe's Uterus), so you win the thread.

Forget the issue of whether Diane could have gotten it from Kalinda's computer—I just don't buy that altering the meta-data would be that easy! If it were, why would it even be admissible as evidence? I suppose we're supposed to think that the IT guy she was working with was super-talented, but it just looked like it

Same here.

As long as we're nitpicking, Picard wasn't disinterested, he was uninterested!