Brett Alan


On THIS show?

Sounds good. But I'd also like them to reveal more about her background—at least enough to explain why she keeps slipping into a British accent.

She's still Susan Bunch-Willick to me. B^)

Yeah, there were at least five in the first five minutes alone. I don't mind when it's done for a good punchline, but here it was really unnecessary. Why can't the woman just say she wants to get "hammered" instead of "shitfaced"? What point did that serve, comedic or otherwise?

Except, like, wouldn't they have used a *lawyer* for that contract? And wouldn't it be *her* job to cover that sort of thing? And if you're wondering why I'm using the word "her", well, there IS a lawyer in the family, and I certainly don't mind another thing to blame her for! #teamjoel

With Modern Family, it's likely that at least 3 of the next 3 episodes will be total shit. I finally bailed after the season premiere; it really hasn't been watchable in a long time.

I liked the episode, quite a bit…but man, they have to figure out how they're going to do fight scenes for the Flash. Because the strategy for The Flash ought to be to come up and take someone out before they have a chance to do anything, and they're not doing that. It's understandable, because that doesn't always

It wasn't that different from the Rick Warren forum that McCain and Obama participated in in 2008. And, yeah, the pastor didn't get into specifics, but I don't think the press is going to spend that much time on the religious views of the candidates for Cook County State's Attorney (although Alicia also being the

I don't have a problem with Cary getting drunk or picking up a questionable woman—he can't spend all his time preparing his defense, and he's been having a pretty lousy time and is entitled to blow off steam.

The Constitution of New York (Article IV, Section 5) says: "In case the governor-elect shall decline to serve or shall die, the
lieutenant-governor-elect shall become governor for the full term." So the show was correct; the Lt. Governor would have gotten the whole term, and there would not have been a special

Not to mention that starting salary for a NASA astronaut is $64,724 a year….

Wow, I'm in the minority here, I guess…I thought it was MUCH worse than the pilot. Everything about it was really, really stupid. I mean, the whole "a TV star is horny, and all he can do is incessantly flirt on the air, because no woman would ever sleep with a world-famous TV star…" Ugh. And all to set up a "he's

Please. The episode wasn't that good. I'm a big fan of the show, I'm very happy with it overall—but these last two weeks haven't been up to snuff.

Part of the deal for this season was that every cast member has to not be in two episodes, to hold costs down. So this was one of Kristina's.


Well, on Brothers And Sisters, *everyone* drank wine all the time. Except Justin, because, you know, he had a substance abuse problem.

Yeah, I didn't hate it either. It certainly had problems, but there were funny moments as well. I ended up mildly hopeful for it.

Yeah, I mean…the guy APPEARED ON SCREEN, and HAD A LINE. Nothing whatsoever to do with Skye, but CLEARLY anyone could figure that out.

Sorry…I should have said, if you don't watch the previews, go fuck yourself.