Brett Alan

Thanks for the spoiler on Skye's dad. I know, YOU read the advance publicity, so anyone who doesn't can go fuck himself, right?

Did you not make it to the end of the episode (understandable—I thought about bailing). The last scene was Catgirl telling Det. Gordon that she saw the real killer (Joe Chill, although she didn't know the name) "plain as day".

I think if it were just a matter of legality, there are ways they could let Bishop know without illegally telling him. I think they just didn't want to, you know, cause someone's death.

Well, you know, with Haddie, the first thing they would have said when she said she wasn't going would have been "why not?" But as much as they love Max, neither Adam nor Christina really treat him like a person. They think he's a problem to be solved or a victim in need of protection, but they never seem to remember

I agree. The first season was very good TV comedy, and for a while there this probably was my favorite current comedy.

I was thinking the same thing, except Jeremy Renner, Jeremy Renner, and possibly Jeremy Renner.

I LOVE the theme song, and I will be super pissed if they dump it for a song that's been overplayed on the radio for decades. I mean, there's nothing wrong with "More Than A Feeling", but it's tired, and it's not at all in keeping with the spirit of the show. A show where the main character pretends not to get

I didn't start sobbing about Travis' mom…but only because I was already sobbing from Sheree signing "thank you" to Daphne's speech!

Yes, it's totally in character for him…but CR is right-on that it is instilling a sense of entitlement in his children. Parents should help their children, yes, but they shouldn't protect them from all consequences.

I haven't been as happy with the season—I think they could have done something much more interesting with Mike's departure, and it especially seems a missed opportunity now that they've undone it—but I too wish it were still being reviewed here. And, yeah, it would have been nice if they had said something.

The jam was a kickass jam. I like it fairly well.

"Must Do Something About It" with Paul singing instead of Joe English. Hot diggity.

Actually, it's "Reach Out I'll Be There"; no parentheses.

Yes, let yourself out…you need some Fresh Aire.

Yeah, it was a good show. Not a classic or anything, but a solid workplace comedy, and there's nothing wrong with that.

My parents saw it (the first) and HATED HATED HATED it…especially my father, who isn't all that political. They'd strongly tell you to avoid it.

I don't agree with his SHIELD agent-killing policy…but I do approve of his FitzSimmons-killing policy!

Yeah, that was Person Of Interest.

Did she know Stills' first name? Because if not, Reese should have said "that's my brother".

Agent Lethimdie Pleaseskye!