Brett Alan

Two funny lines in the episode…"this whole country looks pale to me" and "no, that's Haley's shirts". (I know she's short, but I don't think she'd have been that way when she was Lily's height!) That's about it. In addition to the other plot holes people have pointed out—the record store wouldn't hold the Carly Simon

Not only that…why isn't she going to jail? Alicia isn't her lawyer, so what she said isn't privileged, and anyway saying it when other people are in earshot removes the privilege. And she wasn't acquitted, so jeopardy isn't attached. IOW, Alicia is completely free to share that confession with the prosecutors, and the

Find a way to keep Coulson, and you've got a deal. B^)

In other words, you thought she was Huck from Scandal. B^) (Yeah, that possibility occurred to me, too.)

I think once Henry sees Nina, the video games, the pinball, and the music will suddenly seem a lot less important.

Those clowns in Congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns.

Or Congressman Dick Swett of New Hampshire. (A friend of mine at the time, who was covering NH politics, used to joke, "…and this is my wife, Vaginal Drip…")

Hopefully, at some point the "atheists aren't fit to raise children" argument will come back to haunt her, since she's an atheist herself. Granted Zach and Grace are a bit old to be the focus of a custody dispute at this point (and the dialogue in the big Alicia/Peter scene reminded us of why neither would want a

Yeah, I agree with this. Maybe have the guy offering him the job routinely ask him to submit his law license or other supporting docs to HR, and Mike suddenly deciding he doesn't want the job because he realizes that even though the job doesn't need him to be a lawyer, since they think he is one there's no way to

And all the characters from Brothers And Sisters, who wonder why Clark looks so much like Kevin. B^)

Thanks for the spoiler.

Agent Shooty McChangesides!

Agent Gym Snideheart.

My name is Arya Stark.
You killed my acquaintance.
Prepare to die.

HeroBoy…a mere up vote isn't enough. That's a BRILLIANT use of a reference, and you gave me a hell of a belly laugh. Thank you, good sir.

Yeah, the moment they brought that up, I wanted Crosby to say that Jimi Hendrix opened for the Monkees. (Even better would be if Oliver said that 4D isn't half as good as the Monkees, and Crosby responded that AoR ain't half as good as Jimi.)

A few DAYS later? With my brother and me, it was more like an hour! B^)

I agree that that's what the show will likely do. I don't think it's very realistic. I don't think I've ever heard of a real person who was offered a job that was better than his current job but that they turned down (or even seriously thought of turning down) because they liked the people at his old job too much.

MINOR SPOILER WARNING for a fifth-season episode!

Whoever said it was "Rashomon style"? It was clearly based on Harold Pinter's play Betrayal and its film version. (The episode is even titled The Betrayal.) If anyone does compare it to Rashomon, they're pretty confused.