
Oh my God, FINALLY. Something that has happened this week makes sense.

You are not alone.

"the more people who say the same shit over and over again, the closer we are to unity. you're a hero"

I can't figure out how Margot came to be posing as Alice's therapist without Val (who recommended therapy) and/or Sophie (who once again had Alice's phone) having a hand in setting it up.

Another WI native here - GAH! the mispronunciation of "Lac" from the onset was so piss-poor, it ruined it right out of the gate. RESEARCH, people! If you're going to make fun of how people talk, at least pronounce things how they pronounce them.

I really REALLY want to enjoy this show. And I do, except for every second Greg Poehler is "acting" in a scene. To phrase it in a way he should understand, he's a terrible, terrible garbage person.

No kidding, she was over his "mind palace" horseshit. And even though it was apparent she was somehow going to fuck him up the first time she said the line about knowing violence, throwing him off the back of the train still took me completely by surprise.

There's also the way he adds "uh" at the end of the word when the FJ category is revealed: "Marine Life-uh", "Bible Verses-uh", "Religion-uh". It drives me. fucking. nuts. He doesn't do it all the time though - I should start making notes to see if I can figure out the rules he follows, i.e. "Add at the end of words

I call those, "Flaps of Distraction." If they put enough random shiny things, fringe, cutaways, etc. on my clothes, no one will notice how fat I am!

At this point, I am way more tired and annoyed by all the Alex bashing that I ever was by him as a player. I liked him - he wagered competitively and I was amused at his visible expression of self-disgust when he buzzed in and then couldn't come up with the right answer (and his pleasant surprise when he pulled the

Now, that is just gross.

I'm gonna guess H&R Block.

Guy Smiley! HA.

That was Krakow! Damn, he looked so familiar but I just couln't place him.

Hey, thank you for sharing your experience with those of us who gather here! I always love reading about what we both saw and didn't see on camera. And congrats on the win!

Pretty much SOP for Dan.

ME TOO. With a desperate passion. Why is that?

This is my first time even attempting to make picks, I'm sure I will crush you.

Despite having eaten an entire row of Caramel de Lites today, I had absolutely no clue as to the correct name for FJ. I was impressed any of them got that.

Downvoted for use of bold.