
“There can only be One.”

I kind of lament the ‘good old days’ when we’d intercept the Russians, wave at them, they’d wave back and we’d all get on with our lives. It’s not that they didn’t shove us, looking to judge our response, but you knew the people who were carrying out the orders were human beings, doing their duty and putting

I knew driver training in Germany was really, really good.

No, anyone who voted 3rd party for president is a moron. For other offices, fine, because there’s no electoral college. Winner-takes-all means that no 3rd party is going to even get a state, let alone the presidency. 3rd party candidates are not serious candidates, because they have no political base in state or

Honestly, thank you for actually voting, no matter who it was for.
That’s more than I can say to the tens of millions of other legal age registered voters who didn’t give a hot damn about our country’s future.

1. Yes

A gag response is still a response, nyet?

My wife has become obsessed with politics recently. Questions;

Get this off my car blog!!1!


Classic bully. They can dish it but they can’t take it. Damn, Trump’s just going to bail at some point isn’t he.

I’m sorry I personally forced to you read and comment on this.

The problem with being Russia’s friend is that they don’t want to be friends with us. So the only relationship we can truly have is an adversarial frenemy (think Mean Girls) relationship. Alternatively, they wouldn’t mind if we were their lackeys.

I get it, but the article headline didn’t bamboozle you into thinking this was a car article.

It’s on foxtrot alpha you dingus. Plus no one is forcing you to read this article if it hurts your little snowflake feelings.

Hell yeah. Who wastes their waking hours on the twitter and kinja? Putzes. Yup, even us.

General Flynn was last seen swimming down the Potomac toward Chesapeake Bay, the open ocean, and his new life, spooning with Eddie Snowden in a Moscow safe house...

(im a low energy commenter today)

Russia is unleashing a barrage of high-level trolling.

I guess its hard for Trump to formulate a coherent response with Putins dick so far down his throat.