Damage to others property.
Humm. Reminds me of the US Hockey who embarrassed us when they trashed apartments in Nagano in 1998. If true a very sad story of kids that can’t handle their alcohol.
While not a definitive source. Was Harvey Milk a pedophile:
Please provide a reference.
Stop it Stop it. I’m getting aroused.
Dumb Shit.
If the North attacks the South you may see China invade the North to prevent the allies from doing the same and then occupy it.
Cool. Just trying to separate the wheat from the chaff.
eogham. Are you a troll?
Wow. I didn’t know you were there. Or maybe you are all seeing.
The world has always know of the Japanese civilian deaths. No secret there.
Perhaps a little truth in that statement but more untruth. The primary reason was to prevent hundreds of thousands allied deaths and to a lesser extent, the same number Japanese civilians.
And the Americans, and the British, and the Australians, and the .....
I agree.