Brer Rarebit

Let's break this down. 1. There are modern social mores. Not forcing your wife to have sex against her will is IMO a pretty great example of one. 2. I believe "more primitive" was a fair description in the context of this discussion of our society's evolving, and, I believe, advancing understanding of what

Well, you maintain that there is an immutable, "objective" definition of rape which is "forced sex". And I agree that our contemporary understanding is rape = non-consensual sex. However, where we part ways is that I maintain that that definition is not immutable, or objective, and in support of my contention I draw

Objectively, under the laws as they existed prior to the 1980s, it was impossible for a man to rape his wife. The definition of rape precluded it. Objectively, as I already told you, the act of marriage was deemed to be consent to sex. Legally and socially it DID make sex between spouses not rape. The definition

Marital rape exists NOW. Until the latter half of the 20th century, a husband could not legally rape his wife-he had "conjugal rights". The act of marriage itself was deemed to be the consent to those future conjugal relations. So yes in the context of this medieval fantasy show I do argue with your definition of

You are 100% correct. It's from Love Is Hell. Google image love is hell Matt groening and it comes up. It's in the cartoon titled "What Is Love?" Chpt 1, and he attributes this to Nietzsche, which makes it funnier!

I suggest you need to listen to different music, to wit, one or more of the following: Husker Du-Don't Want T Know If You Are Lonely, Lemonheads-Confetti, Lloyd Cole & the Commotions-Pretty Gone, Frightened Rabbit-Nothing Like You, Semisonic-Closing Time, and Dead Kennedys-Your Emotions.

Oh you pablum-puking-pop-culture-poindexters! You could choose to be anybody in history and you limit yourselves to Hollywood actors. You could be Scipio Africanus, Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, Mozart…and you choose George Clooney?!

Ah but consider "Thorgrim the Easterling" from Njal's Saga: he returns from his scouting mission and is asked "Well, is Gunnar home?" To which he replies "You'll have to find that out for yourselves but I can tell you his halberd certainly is" and he drops dead. THAT is my benchmark for going out in style.

Yeah, it's a toss-up and we've not even talked about the Chronic Town EP, which is fabulous. For me, nothing (even REM's IRS years) beats the SY peak of Daydream Nation, Sister, Evol and Goo so I pick them. I'm not even a huge fan of Dirty or Washing Machine but those four?! My favourites. The only person/band

I fucking hate Stand and Orange Crush, so Green gets a thumbs down from me. Murmur-New Adventures-you may be right but I personally prefer Sonic Youth - Washing Machine + I prefer the Sonic Nurse/Murray St/Rather Ripped trifecta to any of the late REM albums.

I'm an IRS REM guy: Reckoning, Murmur, Life's Rich Pageant, Fables of the Reconstruction, and Document are my top 5….I'll grant Automatic, Out of Time and New Adventures are very good albums but do they measure up to the IRS years? Not in my opinion, no.

Would it count if I said preventing Bill Berry's aneurism on stage and thereby stopping him from quitting REM and thereby preventing/changing-for-the-better their last five albums?

Sansa will escape all right-it's what will draw the Boltons out of Winterfell so they can be beaten. Because otherwise Roose's strategy is 100% correct. But if Sansa escapes then they have to come out and get her or she'll turn the north against them. And they're setting it up-Ramsay already impatient to have at

Plastic Surgery Disasters for me. Thirty years later and that image remains hard to look at which was obviously the point. Brilliant.

Yep, knew a guy who dropped out of law school and lied to his wife for a whole year about it-he even faked an awesome summer job with a prestigious law firm. He had his father-in-law driving him into and out of town every day and we never knew how he spent his days-probably in the university library. His wife only

Except it's not Reek it's Theon, who in the books is still Prince of the Iron Islands or whatever, isn't he? I guess time will tell if the variation works better than the book-I'm keeping an open mind…..but damn I did like Cersei sending Jeyne up as Arua's replacement. Total Cersei move. Expedient but in the long

It's the adaptation that's made it kind of a mess. The whole point of having Theon give "Arya" away in the book was because they knew it wasn't her and they wanted someone who did to give her away to lend legitimacy to the whole thing. The turning Jeyne Poole (?) into Sansa has kind of muddled things up now.

I also liked how she disdainfully pushed her wine cup away rather than drink "to her wedding." Although it seems like a protégée of Littlefinger would have drunk and had them all murdered by someone else at a later date.

Quite right. And when I found out my wife (who though brilliant and much cleverer than I, is a scientist who has zero ability to absorb the meaning of lyrics) had allowed my 7 year old daughter to listen to and sing along to "Whistle Baby" I decided it was time for my children to start enjoying older artists who