Brer Rarebit

I had a Husky when I was a kid. She could not be trusted off leash so we used to chain her to a stake in our backyard sometimes if we were doing yard work. The neighbouring cat used to pull that stunt on her. He'd quietly sit there washing himself just out range while she went berserk. She hated cats, and was not

Ouch, well all I can say is…get a king size bed as soon as it's feasible! :)

I get what you're saying but i think you should be pragmatic on this one. I expect that each and every one of you is interested in having the occasional (or maybe frequent) overnight guest, right? So in the interests of getting along with your roommates, help them out and put on a robe when you leave your bedroom.

Hmm, ditto, except…

Yes but I think it's not a very rich fiefdom-marshy and all that. Though strategically important. I think they deserve more.

I want the Reeds to get Dreadfort. After what they went through with Bran they deserve it. Plus their father saved Ned during the rebellion if I remember correctly.

You should watch some of Jimmy Carr's stand-up sometime.

The point of prison isn't just rehabilitation. Specific and general deterrence, and denunciation also factor into the equation.

I am sorry, but not surprised, to hear this. My condolences and best wishes for the future. If I may say one thing-without encouraging you to get into the blame game with your wife because that is never a good idea, especially where kids are involved, but….

"Weed doesn't have any harmful side effects." I think the science is against you on that one. My government, which is pretty liberal at the moment, and is in the process of legalizing it, says this:…. Some pretty serious risks there.

I had a futon for ten years that was rock hard in the end. I loved that thing. Sadly, Mrs Rabbit did not and made me get rid of it. And when our kids were first born I would sleep on the floor in another room when I was working the next day and needed a good night's sleep-just a sheet on a thinly-carpeted floor.

But her interpretation ISN'T face value. She's the one inserting the word "only" in the sentence "he [only] loves sleeping in my bed because of the mattress." I think she sounds seriously insecure.

Yes, I was a young man once and I think I speak for most men (hell or most women too probably) when I say that no mattress, no matter how comfortable, is worth spending the night with a person you don't like.

Birdy num nums!

So creepy. I watched that movie in my house when I was a teenager and I was alone for a couple of nights. Not quite on the scale of the Overlook but every creak our furnace made that weekend freaked me out. I felt like such a coward!

I am curious-have you ever watched The Shining and if so, what did you think of it?

No need to apologize. It was the kind of comment that was funnier in my head than when it was written down. I DO have to work more on this. It's just that Mrs. Rabbit is much more of a foody than I am so picking restaurants is a perilous business for me. I did hit it out of the park on her 40th though when I

No I know what you meant. I was (incoherently) trying to agree with you (I totally get that sometimes you want the other person to put in some thought and effort into figuring out what to do on the date—it shows that they care!) and simultaneously point out ruefully that when I do do the emotional labour I generally

You and your wife need to come over to my house and visit because it sounds like we've got a lot in common.

Absolutely this. Mrs Rabbit would frequently far rather engage in the emotional labour of second-guessing my decisions than of making them herself.