Brent Jatko

Well, that’s why we have to vilify socialism whenever we talk about Venezuela, if we admit their economy tanked because of command economics, that would be a point against all the command economics WE want to do.

I’m not sure that’s actually true. It could be, or we just weren’t as aware of it. But regardless, the fact is that now it’s blatant and out in the open. And apparently better than the alternative, which is the horrors of a woman president.

Fun fact. The patronage system led to gross mismanagement of government agencies and eventually resulted in the Great Depression.

Better be as Trump tried to kill the last guy, he better be ready for the next.

It also assumes that the factory lasts for exactly one year and then closes forever.

Basically.  The Venn diagram for people who claim to despise price controls and people who are excited for these tariffs is a single circle.

How can helping an EV company be an attack on Tesla? Tesla isn’t even a car company according to Musk!

Same.  I really want this to happen.

Trump: “we need massive tariffs on forgien EVs so they will be made here in the US!”

This is yet another example of how the GOP functions: severely underfund the education system so everyone is too dumb to understand basic concepts like loans, combined with declaring anything they don’t agree with is a lie, so they can say literally whatever dumb thing they want and their idiot base will swallow it.

G*d I hate these tech bro types. This guy is like the (in Musk speak) “super hard core annoying” high-school class president we all couldn’t wait to get far away from.

The corruption and self-dealing we’re going to see over the next 4 (or more) years is going to be on a scale never seen before in US history.

Same, I’ve been thinking of importing an evo or grabbing a 9 in a few years and I keep wondering if I might have to grab this instead.

So, is the ghosted JD Vance armed?

DT acolytes: Tariffs for Mexicali autos, cuz dammit buid ‘em here!”

Just commenting on the article picture. I really want a R3X. Tri-motor, short-wheelbase - it looks like it’ll be a hoot. 

It’s called the Patronage System. It was actually very much the direct, accepted, and unapologetic way of doing presidential appointments way into the 19th century (as opposed to the somewhat less obvious method since then).

President “drain the swamp” is putting together quite the circus with these clowns (and relatives and donors) he’s handing jobs to. I see a big pile of elephant shit coming our way.

Its all three. He’s lying AND he doesnt know how loans work AND he doesnt care.

The invisible hand of the free market for thee, but not for me, I guess.