Brent Jatko

Ferris wasn't the rich kid. Cameron was.

This also smells of accounting fraud. WM and others did something similar back in the day. I forget the details but WM was artificially inflating the depreciation of their trucks so it made their books look healthier than they really were. The clincher would be if Arthur Anderson never folded and has been auditing

Incoming settlement where no admission of guilt is given.

Tom Layton here, the original Plaintiff. What you all must know is that the auto auctions prohibit buyers from bringing scan tools on to auction property. Therefore, you must believe what the auctions claim. Furthermore, of the 500 or so FedEx vans I personally purchased 99% of them were purchased on-line facilitated

There should be a word for his specific brand of charming, persuasive nonsense.

I really need an odometer like that sometimes. I know what the bad smell is (dead animal) I just don’t know what it crawled into.


I’ve always said that Ferris probably grew up to be one of those Enron assholes, then probably moved onto mortgage fraud in 2008, and is probably involved in every billionaire scam since.

Considering how miniscule the revenue of selling old trucks is compared to Fedex’s overall revenue it’s kind of stunning that they would risk getting caught breaking the law this way. This seems more like some mid-level fleet manager quietly trying to goose his/her numbers to get their annual bonus increased a bit

Dang, if this lawsuit works out, every foodtruck owner in town is going to Get Paid.

Boy, it’s a good thing there’s laws and regulations that deter corporations from doing bad things!

I imagine a bunch of trucks, front end up on blocks going in reverse to turn the miles back..... 

I guess the ‘Ex’ stands for ‘Extra Mileage’

“Odo-meter fraud? Not on my promenade.”

Did they use power drills, Matilda’s-dad-style?

I was wondering how they got 2022 Landcruisers onto one truck...

Lands Cruiser.

I’m impressed they could fit that many on one truck. . 

Wow, that’s a lot of Land Cruisers.