Brent Jatko

Sounds about right, like his EO for existing conditions already covered under the ACA.

You forgot all the biotech companies that will get us out of the pandemic mess, the agricultural industry that supplies over a third of the country’s vegetables and two-thirds of the country’s fruits and nuts, and most importantly, the wine industry we have all been depending on to cope with the dumpster fire that is

Well... a lot of that stuff, and its infrastructure, can trace its roots to the Northeast (in places politically blue enough that Trump doubtless lumps them in with California, and which joined forces with California on the issue at hand).

I wonder how much of being part of a group is more important than being right is tied to our evolution. Being a good member of a group increased your chances of survival for several hundred thousands of years.

I think it depends on your mindset. I’ve had plenty of people give up on the expense of living in Cali and move elsewhere.

Also Bill Gates Seattle Washington not California. 

So:  be loud and impotent?   Sounds like his MO.

I thought about moving to Texas. Three months of 100+ degree heat. No thanks...

> And the fact that on a average January morning I can walk out and get the mail in a t shirt and a pair of shorts is not exactly awful.

When I moved here I seriously got the vibe that it could seriously be its own country and many who live here see it that way. I’ve been to Texas a few times and it also felt the same way. My sort of unscientific opinion is that it seems to be a place where if you’re weird, artsy-fartsy, or otherwise don’t tend to

Integrated Circuits were invented in Dallas. The first movie theater was in New Jersey.

A shit show huh? Well prior to Covid our state was running on a large budget surplus. And the fact that on a average January morning I can walk out and get the mail in a t shirt and a pair of shorts is not exactly awful.

Also, Datapoint Corp. (San Antonio, TX) designed/invented the first microprocessor. Not Intel. 

I’ll go with that for the most part. Well said. But CA is so much different than most of the rest of the country. Folks from CA, and most especially the high profile ones, will denigrate the rest of the country at will, it seems (at least to the rest of the country). I mean, it’s normally televised. It stinks to high

It has to do with tribalism, and identity politics, and less about pride. How being a good member of the tribe is more important than being right, or correct.

Yep...I expect a Twittertantrum in 3...2...1...

Really, tell us more.   Why is California an evil demon?

If you got what I was saying then I think that’s about it. I moved here some 20+ years ago from the rural south. It was probably the best decision I’ve made. The state is incredibly successful because it seems to attract people who want to do innovative things. To be fair that also contributes to a lot of negatives.

I’m glad you agree with me. LOL. I would argue more tech influence came from Texas via IBM, Tandy and TI just to name a few. Oh and NASA. I could care less about movies and TV honestly. The last movie I watched was Ford vs Ferrari and I rented it on on-demand. However, when I’m not wrenching on one of my car projects

I get what you’re saying, but you need stronger points. Movies, and the ability to film a movie was invented in NYC (but then it quickly went to LA/Hollywood as the epicenter, for sure...maybe 20 years later I think?). Fight me.