Brent Jatko

DCV, I meant overall and in general...Marines usually don't get all the equipment they probably should...The Marines all over budget, used to be, what they Navy decided it needed to be...The Navy brass, usually weren't real generous...Given the sparse funding sometimes...Marines more than made up for it with

Thanks! I wondered about the differences in blade numbers; why you'd go with more or less.

A little bit of propeller tech: the large "paddle" prop blades provide thrust along the entire length of the blade, which is great for STOL performance as it increases the thrust without requiring a larger diameter or more blades... however they suffer a phenomenon called "compressibility burbling" when moving at high

The most important improvement is what the new 6-blades are attached to, a brand new Rolls-Royce engine. The new engine is more powerful and more efficient than the old (Legacy) engine, and coupled with the new 6-bladed prop, the J-model can climb higher, fly farther and go faster than the Legacy. (True airspeed

One, Don't click it if it's not interesting to you.
Two, Foxtrot Alpha is a sub-blog of Jalopnik (just like Black Flag, the car buying one and more), the articles go onto to the main page because one of the staff re-posted it.
Three, it's no different from the other sub-blogs, if you see an article you don't dig, don't

It's hard to tell how much difference the props make, because they're only on the J models, which are massive upgrades from the older E and H models. Lots of performance improvement between those models, part of it from the upgraded engines and props.

Eh, I like it, and I've been reading for over a year and haven't noticed a decline at Jalopnik. Different strokes and all that. You don't have to click.

Question on the 130's. Those new (to me) 6-bladed props: What kind of performance improvement do you get vs. the old 4-bladed props?

The Marines all have a lot to do, with so much limited equipment...These guys are just a part of the mission and as you so well stated Tyler...There is a whole lot going on with these birds, in their missions...Sorta like the Marines over all... go anywhere, do lots, with what little you got, and get it done...Repeat

I'm a fan of anything with an engine but I'm officially in the "stop posting this shit to Jalopnik" train. The quality and substance of Jalopnik posts have taken a massive dive within the last 6 months.

Ok thanks. Ill be waiting for their response.

Sure, yeah. I'd love to see your letter and Ford's response, if they send one. Patrick at jalopnik dot com. Thanks.

Patrick,being a millennial, I just wrote a two page letter to Ford on how they should approach us with regards to trying to get us to buy a car. Hopefully I get a response back from them Tell me if you wanna see a copy of the letter. It would be great to see it in a story on here or something.

Well I'm a little kid when it comes to firetrucks. The consequence of having a dad in he fire department when I was little.

me too 1991!
*But i'm on Lumia Bandwagon, Note is too big for me.

But i agree with you, although i'm more confident behind the wheel of big rig and buses.
It's like there's a little kid in me that love that kind of cars :D

What's wrong with Gen 1 Fiestas? Pretty solid little car for the 70's

I could too. My ideal career(aside from an ALMS or WRC driver) would involve driving. Not sure what it would be, but something that has me on the road in a car.

1991 baby here. I fit some of the millennial stereotypes, like being glued to my smart phone (Galaxy Note 2 FTW!) and constantly posting on Instagram(Legos, hot wheels, my pets, and real cars mostly) but cars are my main passion and likely always will be. I'm more comfortable behind the wheel of a car than doing

Android is Linux in the same way that TiVos are Linux computers. Android doesn't have the GNU suite of tools, hence it doesn't feel like Linux. I'm a long time Linux user (since '93) and find Android extremely frustrating. The things I know aren't there and can't be added to the installation to make it behave like

Many is very relative. I'd guess that by far, the vast majority of people with android phones simply wanted a smart phone and likely have no idea what linux is.