Das Jankenauto?
Das Jankenauto?
Not all that bad.
It’s called “Teslarati” for a reason....
Only if it's a planarian van ..
Doesn't bother me. The more the merrier.
Yes, IMHO some of those “missed it by inches” would have been hits if the “dynamic handling” were not engaged.
That’s what cabs and Uber are for. Leave the expensive, theft-prone ride at home.
That makes me want to look at the drawings.
That looks like a Chevrolet van.
I guess it’s in the regs somewhere that Alfa has to have a least one Finn in the team....
My Thanksgiving turkey had a high center of gravy....
That’s me in a nutshell....
What about a fire truck? The City of Alvin, TX has a F350 fire truck for sale pretty cheap.
Exactly. I was going to ask the author if she'd ever driven in Houston.
That is why UPS trucks almost never make left turns....
I call bs on the scary headline. There was nothing remotely “dicey” about that video, imo.
Cool. I can even see it on Google Maps!
I Flagged his ass.
Everyone (well, almost everyone) I went to college with seemed inordinately scared of rollover accidents ot the point they were scared of convertibles.