Brent Jatko

An ‘04 bike is also 16 years old.

I got your credits dickhead (in Austrian accent)!

I wonder what the margin was on the cars from that factory.

It actually seems kind of useful as a pointer so you know when to turn it down before starting the car in the AM so you don’t blow out your eardrums.

If the supercharger isn’t a positive displacement type (Roots-type), can air still get through?

All of this stuff is just a pi**ing and d**k measuring contest that I have little interest in.

“You’d think that there might be some kind of union among truckers that could keep their hours good and their wages steady so that nobody was incentivized or pressured to drive tired in the first place but welcome to America, where tech will solve all of our problems from deregulation and union-busting.”

“Don’t ever have kids?”

Solution? Build more SUVs and Bubba trucks.

After I graduated from UT-Austin in 1985, I rode from Austin, TX to Chicago, IL and back in a green Granada. We stopped in StL on the way and went to the Gateway Arch as well as the McDonalds’ that was on the riverboat (the owner of the Granada was a McDonalds’ franchise owner).

It was the Sonic in my “city” (Odessa, TX).

it wasn’t a Mustang.....

IMO this is a very dark 21st Century view of things. No wonder tRump won.

First gear: Aston Martin should remember that beggars can’t be choosers.

Indeed, Memorial City Mall is in a fairly expensive part of town.

Jeep needs to stop being such babies about it IMO.

It’s > 0.25 and < 0.33 of all but the GM numbers.

Almost a third is a pretty significant fraction IMO.

At first I thought GM’s Mary Barra had gone into engine design.

Everyone else is either sitting on their hands (GM) or playing with unbuildable concepts (Fisker), or denying reality altogether (Mazda). Good to see someone with financial backing and manufacturing expertise step up.