As long as people are willing to spray money at them for a three-pointed star, they’ll continue to soak it up.
As long as people are willing to spray money at them for a three-pointed star, they’ll continue to soak it up.
Just buy used and let the trend-setters eat the depreciation. Or buy something cool like a CX-3.
Much ado about nothing, methinks.
Why assume that one has to have driven a vehicle to remember it and buy it?
Why are people living in garages? Are they homeless? Or is it just a housing shortage due to NIMBYism?
A neighbor (who lives in the same condo complex as I do) drives a Leaf. I’ll ask him about it the first chance I get.
You can fit into a Rabbit pickup? I love those, but fitting into the thing was my first problem (I’m 6'2").
Buy a used Leaf?
OK, thanks for pointing that out. I think it’s OK but would take some getting used to. Why not just put a HUD in?
They could flip flop the display format so the speedo shows up to the left side, closer to the driver’s line of sight.
I have seen it in TV listings on NBC. I don’t know if anyone watches it though.
It’s coming from inside the (White) House!
F*cking Grand Rapids conservatives.
Agreed. Calling Peron a dictator is not correct.
Very cool. I’d love it!
Nice one!
Did Neal Peart do the drums on that track?