
“Meanwhile, The Daily Star’s story continues to be up on the paper’s site; the organization has been sued for (and settled over) libel charges a number of times over the years, but it’s still baffling that they thought they could get away with allegedly straight-up inventing an interview with one of Earth’s most

This seems to be pretty close to “so bad it’s good” territory.

Dip dih dip dip WOWWW

“He did that to me 20 times. Then I got smart.”

I’m sure Na Sha Sha is available.

Will Sha Na Na be there? Someone alert Hot Dog!

They were the best, as a kid I always tuned in when he was on Letterman. I’m surprised how brief this obit is, I figured AV Club of all places would have more to say about someone who was a bit of a legend, allbeit a comedian who hid behind a character and as a writer.

I modeled my life after Super Dave Osborne.

Okerlund and Super Dave in the same day?  Anybody got eyes on Dorf?

Surprising how much this one hurts. I remember those Super Dave bits on Letterman so vividly. And how weirdly shocked I was when I learned he was Albert Brooks’ brother. And how whenever he showed up on Arrested Development and Curb, he was always, always great. R.I.P.

It has multiple birds and a box.

Of course it’s a hit! It’s got a bird and a box!*

Infinity War is literally half a movie. 

Or maybe they don’t entertain some people? Namely the people who vote in these lists?

And the Cliffhanger game was rigged!

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Eventually it will reach the point that for a film to ALMOST break even, every man, woman and child on earth will have to pay for a ticket. 

He went down the George Lucas CGI rabbit hole, seemingly never to return.

And, most importantly, the trident has three spikes, not five. Because a five-spiked trident does not a trident make.