RE: The Last Face, just how many closeups of Charlize Theron’s feet are we talking about, here?
RE: The Last Face, just how many closeups of Charlize Theron’s feet are we talking about, here?
You people really expect me to believe that this isn’t just George Lucas in a bad wig?
Looking forward to Dowd getting fat and IV going bald and AVC finally having the Siskel and Ebert analogues that they’ve always wanted. (Does Dowd really love big tits? That will help on the Ebert side of things.)
Was just checking in to make sure “Review” was here. I was afraid that the brevity of its season would cause people to overlook just how brilliant it was.
Got my limited edition a few weeks ago, and actually plan to commit collector heresy by opening it up and playing it. I’m saving it for New Year’s Eve, when we have a daylong pajama party with our friends. Can’t wait to give it a spin.
Long time fan of the podcast, going back to the Comedy Death Ray days, but I also adored the show. They were two different animals, each have their strengths. But yeah, continue to love the cast, and really enjoyed the tv show while it was on. It was a weekly ritual for the missus and I.
So these are new scripts? They’re not just reenacting the old episodes? And why do I care enough to ask these questions? I should forget that I saw this.
I realize I’m fairly out of touch with pop culture, but sometimes I’m totally blindsided by stuff like this. Oh well. It could be worse.
I want an outer space story where Dark Phoenix slaughters a bunch of broccoli aliens, or I want nothing at all!
So it looks like, against all odds, in my lifetime I will see TWO adaptations of “The Dark Phoenix Saga”, and yet, not really see one at all.
Wait...what? Is this an actual thing?
I think this is the first year in a long time where I’ve actually heard one of the albums on the list (St. Vincent). I am overjoyed at my newly validated cultural relevance!
For your sake, I hope it does. I will live vicariously through you. Don’t let me down!
I don’t understand the landspeeder for kids. Clearly the money is in making these things large enough for 40 year old men of a certain size. And that size is large. Very large. I’ll be waiting.
I enjoyed the Harvey Pekar song and video much more than I’d have expected. Simple idea, simple song, surprisingly competent execution given the nature of this annual article.
Thank you for doing this so I didn’t have to.
I could actually deal with Civil War, but Spider-man put me right back over the edge again.
Can’t stand U2, but due to Scott and Scott’s involvement, I had to start listening to UTU2Tm, and now I’m in the odd position of being excited about the release of new U2 records that I will never actually listen to.
Makes her look like...Toni Collette? Or something? I dunno.