Roll Tide Y'all

They just don’t have the infrastructure to do it at these ancient post offices.”

This is exactly what first should be electrified: any vehicle that runs the same limited route, day after day, and returns home to recharge each night. Every mail truck, school bus, city bus should be an EV ASAP.

I can’t wait for my mailperson to get hers, it was 108 degrees this week!

So DeJoy got something right with these new trucks; doesn’t erase his fuckery prior to the last election. He’s gotta go.

They’re totally goofy...but also totally lovable. How can you not like that adorableness?

For something as essential and utilitarian as a postal truck, it’s nice that appearance was the least important factor and they went all in on function. Hopefully, the reliability is just as good as the form factor.

They’re goofy looking, but honestly pretty endearing, and being purpose-built whilst also increasing safety and comfort is a huge win. 

I suspect a lot of EV’s could require flat bedding, since I think if the wheels have a motor attached they would function as a generator when being towed.

I mean

“dishonestly possess interfered with unique identifier”

Someday, man, someday, I hope, that I would understand what people see in Donald Trump. He’s as charismatic as a piece of soggy bog roll, just as intelligent, too. What is it that people see in him? After all these years I still don’t get it.

Autopilot should stick to mastering I-90 across South Dakota in the summer, no turns and less traffic, I-20 is fairly hazardous, mostly due to the other drivers on it.

Another bunch of greedy assholes ruin a company. Anyone else as sick of VC and hedge funds ruining great companies as I am?  Fucking VC. ARRRGGGH

Meth and heatstroke, nearest I can tell.

Listen, I think the culture of leather equipped luxury pickups is stupid, too, but that’s neither here no there. These HOA’s are just inane and enforcing bylaws that keep people from parking a personal vehicle in their own driveways is just obscene.

I don’t know who is dumber. The HOA board who came up with this rule, or the residents who have choose to pay $500 a year to park their trucks half a mile away.”

Why do people live in Florida again?

Hey, so Apple says the Macbook Pro uses a “72.4-watt-hour lithium-polymer battery” which is not what we’re talking about here. They use a solid state disc drive, maybe that’s what you’re thinking about?

Thankfully they can bribe their local politicians to get their records cleaned up and not worry about that being a crime anymore. Just make sure you deliver your bribe after your politician cleans up your record and not before... because it’s a gratuity for great political service, not a bribe - duh.

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