Roll Tide Y'all

While I cant be certain, I have a feeling a big impetus of this sentence was the wife’s insistence on not pressing charges or in any way supporting any incarceration. TMK, they haven’t even divorced, but stay married.

I hope you get the help and support you need and that you can find a bit of happiness in the world as you work through this. 

I have MDD.

It kinda reminds me of a concept for the next GTR

Yeah, this is an important distinction. If I go to the grocery store, I literally have no choice but to bring home all sorts of plastic bottles. Milk, juice, condiments, produce, bread, yogurt,’s all contained in plastic. Now the burden is on me to properly sort, clean (if possible) and drop everything off

The smartest thing the oil companies ever did was to invent the term “Carbon Footprint” and shift the pollution blame to individuals.

A Swiss miss

I am somehow not surprised that the Swiss permitting system has holes in it.

This whole take is ridiculous. If I wrote this, I’d be ashamed to put my name on it.

People are pissed when Police seize clearly innocent peoples things. This is a different story. Repeatedly breaking the law with seemingly endless documentation, they could have and should have taken his car a long time ago.

Arrest him. Tow and crush his car. How fucking hard is that to figure out?

The Santa Cruz is one of those vehicles I’d answer for a QOTD prompt about a car that you irrationally kind of like. Like, I can’t foresee a circumstance where I’d ever own one, but I also kind of like something about the way they look. I had similar feelings when the Kona debuted. Just funky enough in the right ways.

Alright, look. I’m going to stick up for the Santa Cruz. 98% of the time or more, I don’t need a full-sized bed and the “baby bed” is the right size for chucking some outdoor gear in the back or picking up some bagged mulch from Home Depot. Towing capacity is also perfectly sufficient. If I were in the market, a

I got it free for a month and stopped using it after a couple days when it would refuse to take an exit that was on the route.  It’s a cool party trick sometimes but the stress of making sure it was doing the right thing was way more than just driving.  It also liked to change lanes a lot even though changing lanes

98% is kind of a meaningless metric without knowing how well other brands do convincing people to buy similar upgrades after a demo period. I realize that’d be tricky since “software unlocks” is still a relatively new practice in the autoworld, but for all I know, only 1% of BMW buyers upgrade to heated seats after

He genuinely doesn’t seem like a bad person or anything - it just sounds like he thought it looked neat so he bought one. I disagree with him, but I feel for him a little bit. Having people fuck with your car is always gross and awful.

The City of Seaside where you can’t have your boat on your driveway. Seaside

I’m guessing you’re an attorney. No offense.

“That vehicle was completely unmarked. In my mind this was not good, right?”

Radical Wheel Covers Fenders