
My favorite thing about APT is the "apt-cache search" functionality. I can't even count how many programs I've discovered without ever having left the command line...

I agree with the BackTrack suggestion. As any regular Linux user will tell you, new distros are always volatile. Even if this particular release is truly well intentioned, you're always going to have a more stable environment with something that has been around the block a bit.

Maybe I'm just old and jaded, but nothing about this video was funny to me. I agree with digitalmsp Boogie Down Productions is still > Boston PD (and always will be).

I was pretty much thinking along similar lines, at least with regards to the skepticism expressed. I don't think they would ever go so far as to terminate contracts, it's part of the problem that has created this situation. Profitability is always king when it comes to corporate capitalism. As stated in the article,

I have always been a Google fanboy because I like their strategy of pulling as many tech geniuses as possible into their collective, by creating a genius-friendly work environment, but genius tends to spawn great ideas and move on to the next brilliant inspiration. The integration details do get lost in the shuffle

ITT: Gizmodo readers attempt to take rule 34 to the Facebook-Google wars... *bro-fist*

I remember that Commodore 64 game mentioned. Damn I feel old...

Dolphin's user agent switching works best in my experience. The stock browser allows you to change it if you navigate to about:debug and then go to settings, but it doesn't always work as intended.

As an Android developer, with a healthy amount of prior Java experience, I cannot agree more. Android has a bit of a learning curve, and you would also do well to get a good grasp on reading XML, if only for things like the manifest files, but don't be discouraged.

What I find truly amusing is how defensive religious types get when you insinuate that their imaginary friend might actually be imaginary.

Even Wozniak admits that he wishes his iPhone could do all the things that his Android phone does. I'd say that's telling. #androidfanboyandproud

I agree with all of your points made in the comments. Also, many of us fans out here really do appreciate the music that is made by the artists we love, and it really bothers me when everyone acts as if the only reason we pay for music is because we have to legally. I recently bought an album directly from an artist

This all sounds like the beginning of a Lovecraft story...

If I could run vim on a tablet, I would be in Linux heaven :)

According to what I've been reading, ( [] ) that's not *weekly*, that's *monthly*, which is what people have issue with...

Just realized I browsed over to this page from the more recent [] only to notice after commenting that this originally posted two years ago. #latetothegame but posting to clarify in case anyone reads this. Isn't internet cred everything? (sarcasm intended).

Yes, but only at 300 baud. It really makes me feel old to remember *those* days :)

this. I lol'd.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Passion beats obligation any day of the week.

I agree with you. I generally assume that anytime I surf the open internet I am being tracked, probably by a number of entities I am not even aware of. I honestly have respect for Google for at least making it clear what they are doing (inb4 "Another Google fanboy").