
The article is mostly positive, noting what’s broken, but also noting that they are enjoying it. Should people not be aware of what they can and cannot expect from a game? If someone is wanting to lay down their money, should they not have some sense of what it is that they are getting, especially since it’s been over

And many of US are tired of $60 games that ship fucking *broke*. You know what never got patched? Super Mario Bros. Either you’re an entitled teen/twentysomething gamer with NO sense of history or you're a Xennial/Xer who has forgotten your roots.


Look, I get people being disappointed. I can even understand, to a certain extent, people being angry. No one was expecting, nor did anyone ask for, a Diablo mobile game. I think Blizzard is at times a little full of itself...high on their own supply, if you will. I don’t think they’re “out of touch”,

I’ll second the suggestion to do the tempered Kirin solo. First off, the Kirin isn’t as strong solo. Also, despite how much I enjoy the co-op fights, with the Kirin there are just too many opportunities for someone else to screw up even if you are careful. I tried maybe 10 times with groups and failed every time.

On one of my first rides after I started riding, I cam up on a bunch of cars stopped in the road. They where stopped to look at a Black Bear that was going window to window like a pan handler. Probably asking for picnic baskets. (which I did not have on my CBR600) My first thought was my Motorcycle safety class in

Can we stop pretending that petitions actually mean anything?

I’m not against it, because I don’t think manual motorcycles will ever go the way of manual cars. I’m not so sure about it in a sport bike, but I can see the benefits in an off road setting, or in big touring bikes. So long as I still have the option of manual/dct, and if it gets more people into riding, I say go for

“Drive/ride safe” is a nice sentiment and I’m fine with it. I just say “thanks.”

For me, it’s just fuckin’ annoying. I get it from everyone I know because everyone I know has a friend that has crashed and gotten seriously hurt.

Disclaimer: No brain cells were harmed in this video

This was plagiarised from another CL ad from a couple years ago.

Littering is illegal.

New cars are expensive. The article wasn’t “These are the used shitboxes can you offroad for cheap”.


What has your distance per charge been and how long has it taken to charge back up?

While I agree with your user name, I respectfully disagree with your Luddite viewpoint to in-vehicle technology. To your point... people DID park and change lanes prior to this technology. The problem is, they bumped into other people’s cars and other objects when they parked (I live in an old city with parallel spots

I’m proof that we don’t ALWAYS crash.

My balls shrivel at the thought of spending any amount of time in that saddle.

Shutting it off, sure, but do not pull it out. To my somewhat limited understanding, pulling the nozzle out allows fresh vapors from the tank and nozzle as well as fresh oxygen to reach the flame. Keeping it in keeps fresh flammable gas from being able to reach the fire, letting it burn itself out.