
Practice makes perfect!

Capitalism = Will Smith/Kevin Kline movie.


I laughed.


He did the math better than you!

The descent into darkness was outstanding. I need a xanax.

Rat = person if you're really, really, really, really, really, really, really dumb.

If you were getting live-action sexts that's about 100000000X more than Te'o was getting. Dude was asking for pics and getting one weeks later.

Why should the Federal government stop it? Oh let us count the ways: 1.) the professional sports franchises enrich themselves based largely on the antitrust exemptions and favorable contracts they receive on the largesse of the Federal government, 2.) because city governments are funded in large part by grants from

There simply aren't equivalent municipal deals "like this" to compare. We're talking about some 120 professional sports franchises that operate under special antitrust exemptions from the Federal Government that rape municipalities on the regular. (you obviously aren't a regular deadspin reader if you aren't familiar

You and me both.


That's a horribly myopic view of the world.

This is fucking exhausting. If you're 17, you're no longer a "child". That's something that's pretty much universally accepted, so calling a 17 year old a "child" is just being manipulative for the sake of being manipulative.

Adolescent /= "child". Hazard is 22 as of 2 weeks ago.

Child? Come on. That's a 17 year old who should know better.

... which no one, including the OP, is trying to do?

So the last VM is supposedly 1 day before "she" "died"? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Heaven forbid the Federal Government protect municipalities from exploitation by sports franchises that receive favorable federal treatment.