
Sounds like this dude wasn’t arresting the girl either, but taking her to a fucking mental hospital you glib, bootlicking twat.

Pro-tip: if you’re unable to discern between “they’re” and “their”, you probably aren’t in a position to dole out economic wisdom, just from a purely intellectual standpoint.

What planet are you from where you’ve made it to 2016 seemingly unaware of what sarcasm is and how it’s often used?

Not really very cool. It’s Alex Smith.

7% from p in va-g? No way that’s legit. That’s more of a function of dudes being bad at sex than it is an inability of women to orgasm from sex,

99% of the time, you’ll find that the people who claim not to like football are really just embittered former hardcore fans. Don’t get emotionally invested in something that is, at its fundamental level, a for-profit enterprise, and just have fun playing fantasy, guys. Goodell sucks, but it’s not like there’s a

Who knew Colin was a falcons fan?


There’s plenty of reviewing going on. It just happens to come from someone who’s not buying MacFarlane’s shit. That’s valuable, man. My only issue is hostility to the idea that we should be nice to people because they made Family Guy 15 years ago.

Thank god that wealthy and powerful multi-millionaires who have enough clout to convince massive corporations to give them oogles of money to put out utter dreck like MacFarlane have brave souls like you and the OP to defend them against the devious might of bloggers. Someone who hates Seth MacFarlane (which is to

Spoiler alert: critics have tastes too.

Which brings us to the larger point: raise your standards, Seth.

Given that Ted 2 is currently rocking a 44% Rotten Tomatoes score, I don’t think Leitch is the problem here, Seth.

Yes. No one should ever watch or review anything that they think is bad. Every movie should have a 100% Rotten Tomatoes score, because all criticism does is confirm everyone’s preexisting tastes.

Scalia is much, MUCH smarter than Thomas.

She kind of just made herself look like Maeby Funke, right?

Dude is 6’9” and huge. There’s a reason most porn stars are tiny, TINY people, you guys. It’s all about the proportion to the rest of the body.

It’s fucking Cameron Crowe. What did you expect, honestly?


Thundersnow, Gnarly Brown and PsycHOPathy are all awesome, guys.