What is this “too greasy” you speak of???
What is this “too greasy” you speak of???
He didn’t wait 23 years to talk about this. He id the talk show circuit right after he healed. I even remember him being a regular on Howard Stern.
I think it was the white guy who said it in this story.
As a Michigan resident who eventually wants to be a librarian...I agree.
Would’ve been too on-point, or point-on, if you will.
How dare you use civility and common sense.
In my experience with this site, when you say “troll” you mean anyone who has a opinion on this that is different from your own. Even if they are being civil, respectful and calm. People lie from time to time, for various reasons. Men can lie, women can lie, Christians can lie and Muslims can lie too. There are many…
Welcome to Jezebel!
I poop as often as I can, but then again, I’m an hourly employee
nah, they’d bitch it was a waste of resources and i’m sure there is another objectionable thing about it
THe alt-left is determined to be as hatable as the alt-right. Their positions may be better, but they still act like petulant children.
Panty dropper
Paul Blart died shortly after the end of Paul Blart II, but was given a second chance at life and placed in the body of recently deceased cop Kevin Gable.
Favorite Vines thread....GO!
Yeah, real good convoys they use...