My niece looks a lot more like me than my sister. It’s so strange.
My niece looks a lot more like me than my sister. It’s so strange.
He’s an intense guy. Cut him some slacks.
Most artists are self absorbed. See: history
The Recording Academy:
There isn’t any in Red Bull...stock.
Thanked them for their apology without demanding anyone be fired and/or imprisoned? Come on, college kids!
The only thing polar bears like more than ice is carbonite. Makes for perfect hibernation.
I you watch the interview from jail, you’ll quickly realize his lawyer wrote this for him.
Get on their level, with food. I have no idea, but that’s what i’d try.
He will be back:
need job. can’t find job. current job is stressful ballsack.
What made me happy this week is my students are loving the book I’m reading to them. It’s called Wonder and about a boy with a facial deformity. The book is told from different character’s point of view. They made me laugh because they had to find out who is telling the next section. They went to another classroom…
You’ll be back.
I just pictured his house and I am bummed out now. His daughter asking him to color and his wife asking him what kind of pizza he wants for dinner being met with “I SAID NOT NOW! I AM WRONG ON THE INTERNET AND IF I DONT DOUBLE DOWN I WILL BE FORCED TO CREATE A BURNER! A FUCKING BURNER DO YOU HEAR ME?!”
I’m sick of this guy, to sum up how my thoughts I’ll link you to a post I wrote to someone else quite some time ago. My thoughts on his ‘disability’, which it is not. Maybe he was misdiagnosed, who knows
Can you download some binaural beats off the internet (e.g. sbagen, if you can figure out how to use it, or free samples)? They’re relaxing and can clear some of the cobwebs out of your brain if it’s overtasked. Only use if you can hear out of both ears (need headphones or earbuds) and if you don’t get seizures!
Women are considered a minority?!?
Something something don’t stick your dick in crazy...
What is this pickling nonsense? Lots of people eat artichokes fresh, albeit steamed, boiled, or fried.