
The Terminator 1984! ......wait

I don’t know how reading type is screeching in my ears, but you did it! ahhhhgg

Nice not knowing wtf you are talking about. You should be over at Gawker.

For real. What about Big Bone Lick??

Yep it chode them the way.

I can tell I’m not made for a blog when the one comment I agree with is the only grey comment in a hundred miles.

I’m with you. I’ll only add that they only said they stopped the “live” part, but all the footage is still around? I’m going to wait a bit before Iget too outraged.

How about a Pokeman NO! dating app?

.....something something gentrification.....

....what we already new. oy

So we should only solve crimes if it’s cost effective?

Obviously part of the LLM movement.

There’s no way I could turn female. I would never leave the house, lose my job, and have friction burns on all my privates.

It wasn’t anything I did really. Went to an interview at a company I was kind of familiar with. I worked with a guy that used to work there and word was he stole the owners wife. So halfway through he notices I worked at such and such and asks me if I know this person. Oh no no no no please nooooo. He proceeds to tell

LOL ok ;o)

So Trump did it too, it’s ok?? nice

And someone named persnicketypants is obviously a very special flower who would like to see the manager immediately. you even know how to outrage?!?!

Maybe you should turn off your internet.

LOL Well aren’t you just whipping yourself into a tizzy.