This was my thought reading the article. I have a little trouble with chicken from the grocery store.
This was my thought reading the article. I have a little trouble with chicken from the grocery store.
Actually they usually try to shoot the gun out of the suspects hand. It makes that cool patcheeew noise you see in the movies and the gun goes flying off and leaving the suspect looking surprisingly at his empty hand.
Wow, rude. I wonder if this cold person has some high pressure job that clouded her judgement and led to her frosty comments to such a degree. Maybe they need to hail a cab to a bar for a drink to chill out and lightening up.
WHEW! I thought you were gonna say you were afraid your balls were gonna show.
I would be SHOCKED if there isn’t already one.
haha CAT hole....CAT not kid! Maybe I shoulda said pussy hole? That’s not much better, is it?
That’s awesome! I want a cat hole!
Well that’s Hellmann. Eggcelent decision to move though. Hope they can pull off a miracle and whip up some new business.
Yeah you want as short a walk as possible before you cut your baby.
Hi Bernie!
That right there is why women suck at giving HJ’s!
Now now now ladies. Don’t get your feathers all ruffled!
You just admitted Trump did something right! I’M TELLING GAWKER.
Crying? Maybe you should stay off the internet.
LOL “except Mexico”
And you can also have sex with animals in Canada....wonderful country.
So after days of GUN LAWS GUN LAWS GUN LAWS! MOAR MOAR MOAR! This dude goes to jail for breaking what gun laws we already have...but it’s all good cuz he’s hawt? Sounds about right. <eyeroll>
Cool story. So who was in charge of making people not go to their concerts in ‘08?
Thank you! My bad.