
Thank you.

Who’s gonna open all the jars?!?! good luck!

I swear I’m not trolling. What does this line do rather than straight up calling the police?

I love the Jason Bourne movies. I can’t WAIT for somebody to try and come through my window.

Sure, ruin it for everybody. I bet you told your younger sibling about Santa Claus too!

True enough!

The “D” reminds me of the stupid hotel in Vegas named “The D” which is supposed the be just like Detroit! With all the same restaurants and atmosphere! Which is fine except that they advertise like crazy IN Detroit?! Like who the fuck wants to leave Detroit for a vacation to somewhere JUST like Detroit?? Maybe I need

I did the same thing. “omg can you believe this bitch?”

You do or you don’t....pick one.

From the internet! ;o)

Dude was a sniper in Vietnam! FUCK that guy!

Thanks Obama!

In this case ONLY, I would let the daughters choose his fate.


The OP suggested it is ALWAYS men determining the attractiveness of women. I only suggested that might not be true. You must be HIDEOUS LOL!!

What? Are you drinking?

Yeah, you’re right. Women never have anything catty or degrading to say about other women.

Did you say something?

I keep seeing your name, and I can’t help thinking how awesome it would be....after some crappy long work hear a loud slow rap on the door and then...........

I cannot stop watching the Adele car karaoke. I love her laugh. And of course her voice.