I got to hear about it second-hand when my sister-in-law lost her wedding ring. Panic, frantic searching of the house, crying, more frantic searching. And the eventual hilarity of finding out it got stuck in her bra.
I got to hear about it second-hand when my sister-in-law lost her wedding ring. Panic, frantic searching of the house, crying, more frantic searching. And the eventual hilarity of finding out it got stuck in her bra.
Sorry, I missed the point of your post. I see what you did there. ;)
I’m appreciating the pro-blue cheese attitude of this comments section.
ive tried making various chips/fries in my oven...the problem is, they all need to be spaced out, so you can only make like 10 chips at a time. i dont know about you, but 10 chips does not satisfy
Why would I spend money on this when I already talk to my TV? And my car, my cats, my computer, and all you drivers out there.
Completely left out Amazon Music. Same prices, 6 devices, works on Echo, iOS, Android, Carplay, Android Auto, Sonos, and Desktop. Am I forgetting anything? I don’t really subscribe to anything right now, but I’m tempted by this one.
Just wait ‘til she interviews Santa.
Breaking News: Rudy Giuliani now calling for the abolishment of the TSA, citing executive overreach.
By 2019, booking a seat with such a hook will set you back an extra $8 on all airlines except for Southwest.
I eat them upside down, and for good reason: because most sandwiches are constructed wrong. Meat on the bottom simply doesn’t make any sense, as it is typically the strongest flavor and would thus hit your tongue first. If you put your toppings on the top, including sauces, it actually makes sense to flip it over,…
I’m unclear on the title. Are you saying that I am ruining my food by cooking with whatever wine I have on-hand, or that the solution to my ruined food is to use whatever wine I have on-hand?
Married and non-dating single people pay for coffee and dinner and concerts and shit too, so I wouldn’t really call that a cost of “dating” specifically. That’s just normal stuff people buy. It’s not like you wouldn’t eat food if you weren’t on a date.
the video card was covered under a warranty though, to be fair, and not a normal issue, and I think that if that imac had a more normal existence, it would have a few more years left in it still, it was just she sheer amount of daily usage it got, and I had to leave the screen on w/ caffeine pretty much ALL the time…
A couple of weeks ago, I had to lay my eight year old iMac to rest. After years of faithful service, it had finally…
But see, the problem with this is that then I’ll know where the most convenient place is to buy fresh delicious bread and pastries. And you think I’ll be able to stop myself then? The only thing keeping me relatively healthy is ignorance of where the best food is.
If you’re doing something grandiose then I don’t think you need Lifehacker readers to tell you what is best for surge protection. Your home theater professionals will tell you.
If you’re doing something grandiose then I don’t think you need Lifehacker readers to tell you what is best for…
Like most budgeting (or even health) things, you want to plan to treat yourself occasionally if you can afford it. Rather than saying you will never treat yourself and then you end up going overboard.