At least you can dilute V-8 with vodka.
At least you can dilute V-8 with vodka.
...because it’s obviously cheaper and easier to just remove a part of a bridge than it is to do what you’re describing. If it was cheaper to do it your way, they would just do that. Clearly, it is not.
Or just fucking take it apart right there in the drydock.
Wait. Is the yacht currently mastless? Can’t they simply launch and tow it to a dock as-is without dismantling the bridge for the final outfitting?
I firmly and fully believe that grandparents should respect the wishes of the child’s parents, and that grandma was way the hell out of line here, if the mom had explicitly asked her (multiple times, apparently) not to give the children fast food.
The big if is whether or not people will actually go back to “the city” in appreciable quantities. I don’t think it will always be the way it is now, but remote work is here to stay in some capacity. Some, yes, are yearning to get back to their city amenities, but I don’t think that describes most of the people who…
People have been saying that for years. The current rise is unsustainable, but a crash in housing prices isnt going to happen. At least not because of a banking crash. If you are waiting for that, then you are definitely going to miss out on buying a house.
The problem is rent is also sky rocketing. People bought houses to rent out and are charging the total costs (mortgage+insurance+taxes+profit) to rent them out. Other than that, I mostly agree with everything you said. I dont think there will be an influx back into the city everywhere and it will all take a lot of…
I don’t find that particularly gross, but it is the behavior of a crazy person.
I am going to guess he doesn’t have much of a beard.
Didn’t have to. Just saw the username. It’s crazy who gets let out of the grays on this site.
.... Gotta say, the queer PDA in the thumbnail made reading this a bit... tonally offputting at best, and insulting at worst.
FYI: Read this idiot’s posts.
Lindsey, you get a gold star for the gay couple photo.
Because I’m still doing them?
Impress them with your vigor and motivation by using the word “kill” instead, as in “people really say I’m a killer!” and “I killed my last boss!”, or “I know I’ll kill you too!”.
I only read the Pornhub articles.
Android tablets suuuuuuck. That is the one area in our home where iOS still rules the roost.
Such a weird article. I’m not sure who this is for. Sounds like an Android user who’s jealous of their Apple-using friends. I doubt there’s a massive population of Apple users that are pining for Android just as much as I doubt there’s a massive population of Android users pining for iOS. Once people find what works…