
I live in Dallas, and these things are all over the place here too. I ride the metro to work, but the train station is just over a mile from my office. So I bought a Swagtron scooter to go the last mile. It is a lot of fun to ride, it folds up nicely to fit in my seat or under my desk, and goes 18 mph. It also looks

Man, I catch myself giving Shift responses this all the time. It’s truly my way of trying to relate, though I bet it really comes off as trying to one-up somebody.  I’ll try to start incorporating Support responses instead.   My fear though it that it will come off as examining and questioning intentions and

I work in an environment where I never see people take lunch breaks. But everyone has high-walled cubicles or offices. You bet I take an entire hour lunch break, and I watch a show on my iPad with big noise-cancelling headphones on, hoping that people leave me alone. It doesn’t work.

My director basically told me that the only way to get a real raise (anything other than the standard ~2% B.S.) at our company was to look outside our company.  So I did.  I got a job offer somewhere else, presented it to him, and for a >20% raise.  Sucks that I had to do it, but it did the trick.

I do this too! Last time was about 2 weeks ago. I was traveling from Dallas to D.C. with an almost 2 hour layover in O’Hare. Used that time to walk to the end of every terminal, and even picked up a cold sandwich to eat on the plane. It was a great way to pass the time and get in a bit of exercise. Bonus - I kept my

I just got a new car a couple weeks ago, and it comes with an app that tells me each time the car was driven with a date, time, and distance. It’s a not a very useful feature but it will certainly come in handy whenever I have to take it in for service.  You will not move my car without me knowing all about it.

I owned a house in Houston and rented out two rooms fully furnished to people that I met on Craigslist. Each person had his or her own individual lease with a month-to-month term, and they paid me a refundable security deposit up front. It generally went pretty well over the course of four years.

I mean, my 94 year old grandpa is still going strong.  He was one of the lucky ones who retired at the age of 50 and has a pension for the rest of his life.  Bet his company wasn’t planning to pay out for half a century...

When I went to add it to my cart is showed a price of $249. Guess that sale didn’t’ last long.

When I went to add it to my cart is showed a price of $249. Guess that sale didn’t’ last long.

Also, the laundry. And cooking. And cleaning. And paying bills. And maybe even taking medicine (at a certain age). I have been doing my own laundry since I was 12, which helped me significantly when I moved out on my own.

Thanks for this.  Gonna share a link to this article with my younger sister ;)