Brene Brawn


Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.

Canada-brag should definitely become a new term.

Which is what I did after seeing a few responses (some more measured than others). My post was actually not directed at you at all, and I actually appreciated your follow-up which was well-written and needed to be said.

I was talking about her comments, not the comments of those who were (rightly) calling her out.

I think sometimes self-described, self-defined, and self-enclosed feminists are more hostile than the average person to whomever they perceive as outsiders using “their” titles, because they don’t want to give up what they perceive as special status, as if expanding allyship is watering down feminism. Which is

Granted, this is referring to the US and not the UK.

Yeah, but maybe she shouldn't be allowed to speak anywhere.

I love how she and the lion on her breastplate have the same expression! So freaking cute!

I LOVE it that she’s your gladiator and not your princess! So MAJOR KUDOS if anyone gives you grief about it!

love those cheeks!!

cheeks!!! i want to squish them!

What a lil cutie!! I loooove the gladiator costume!


friend, i am not high enough to answer these questions

what if, in heaven, you’re forced to spend eternity with your high school boyfriend/girlfriend

Whatever, when I get to heaven I am blowing off everyone I know and love and hanging out with Humphry Bogart. AND BY HANGING OUT WITH I mean standing outside his cloud house calling him Linus. I assume I’ll be drunk.

YUP. Rose is like that girl you went to high school with who won’t stop talking about how complicated her love for the guy she dated in 10th grade is. And you’re like “that was 11 years ago. He’s married now” and she’s all “yeah, but she doesnt know him like I do.”

Pretty sure he had a publicist but the toupee came alive one day and just ate them.