I thought Felicity's description of Ray was pretty funny and a great way to inject some humor into the episode. I laughed when she said he looked like a Disney prince.
I thought Felicity's description of Ray was pretty funny and a great way to inject some humor into the episode. I laughed when she said he looked like a Disney prince.
Roy and parkour, peanut butter and jelly and milk and cookies. Can't have one without the other.
They're prepping for a new sitcom: The Odd Couple featuring Good Ollie and Evil Merlyn.
Roy enters Parkour competitions during his free time and wins big money.
Well like Maseo said, Ra's is OK with Oliver and has anointed him as his heir because he survived his sword.
I think there's two reasons for his disapproval: 1). Nyssa fell in love, and being in love leaves you vulnerable and 2). Sara was an outsider.
You would say that, Homeless Ollie.
I should have seen my comment would lead to this. Ha.
Guess it's a good thing the friend zone isn't a real thing! I liked how Felicity later called him out for not wanting to be with her.
I would predict Thea, just based on how much they've showed Oliver's focus on saving her soul.
That's why I really enjoyed that final scene between Oliver and Felicity, who injected some levity and he actually seemed not broody for a change.
I hope Felicity copyrights Evil Incorporated. I'm sure the League of Assassins wouldn't object.
Arrow really should have named Episode 16: Daddy Issues.
Loved that Cookie dropped a Bye Felicia on Boo Boo Kitty.
And as much as I'm pro Oliver and Felicity being together, you go girl. Glad to see she isn't waiting around for him to get it together.
Laurel looked like she wanted to bitch slap Thea when she told her she killed Sara and then she immediately says, "It's not your fault." Her facial reactions ≠ her verbal reactions. Good job, good effort.
"Now you're just embarrassing yourself." - Malcolm to Laurel
No, Laurel doesn't know that Thea was the person who killed Sara.
Maybe. That seems like a stretch, though, given their age differences. Acquaintances, maybe. Friends? Hmm.
Also, were Thea and Sara really even friends? Because I'm pretty sure that was one of the reasons she was mad Malcolm made her kill Sara, if I'm recalling the dialogue in this episode correctly. "She was my friend!"