Brendan McMannis

I have yet to encounter a situation where I was "TOO" aware of the racist implications.

My Chuckle-meter is full lol

Its very weird to be annoyed by someone that has been shown and heard maybe 10 seconds (TOTAL) in the last 10 Colbert episodes. Like… Bizarre



Technically all I did was say that other than skin tone, I didn't see a difference.

Touched a nerve, did it?

How does one over compensate for racism, exactly?

(sarcastic clapping)

In the words of Jeff Goldblum:

In my experience, people don't get this sore without a lingering feeling that they're guilty.

Well… Yeah. I am a self aware human. I recognize moments of unintentional racism/bias in myself sometimes, because of where I was raised.

You're the one thats taking what a white guy did in 20 years and compare it to a black guy in barely +1

Aside from the color thing, I am genuinely interested in why people find certain people/things annoying. Usually there's nothing specific. Just bias of some sort.

And thats how you do specifics.

Mainly because other than that, Schaffer and Batiste are essentially the same.

I literally asked for specificity in the comment (not to you) that you replied to.

So you find his .5 second keyboard riffs and laughter at Colbert's jokes annoying.

Avatar/comment symmetry ftw

Did you have the same problem with Paul Schaffer?