
You just know Trump is fuming at his placement in the 2017 G20 class photo.

Ps. This is how I really feel:

Too bad the directors did not shoot first.


I do think it is a truly plain good thing. I don’t feel cynically about what he did—he has a long history of philanthropy—and I am especially grateful that he’s been proactive and gone abroad to represent the vast majority of Americans who are against withdrawal.

It’s good to see at least one rich asshole isn’t just Putin on airs.

Given who’s worked with him and the current menagerie of imbeciles this isn’t surprising at all. And we let this monstrosity appoint a SCOTUS justice who will likely haunt us for decades. We really need to ITMFA before he does even more damage.

Chuck Johnson, the floor shitter guy?

Nice tough with the tiny hands

I’m no conspiracy theorist but if you were to tell me that the people in this picture were actually lizard-people?

How is her identity threatening yours? I mean, there are many reasons, from abuse to mental illnesses and brain biology to “natural” reasons, we don’t fully understand yet that can lead to transgenderism and even homosexuality.

This absolutely does not make up for Chris Cornell.

So now Chuck Johnson is taking a shit on the floor of the White House?

I honestly didn’t know what you were talking about at first. But I now assume you’re talking about the crawl and the misspelling of “acknowledged.” 

I take it Hannity doesn’t understand the whole ‘pot calling kettle black’?

One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.

Hillary: I take full responsibility for the mistakes my campaign made. Also, there were external forces that shifted the final vote.

No, it wasn’t. And it’s not a defense that there was nothing even remotely indictable in any of them, it’s a fact. In light of “Lock her up!”, it’s a very relevant fact. Just because people didn’t know, or refused to know, that what was revealed was how campaigns speak when they think noone’s listening doesn’t change