In those cities, that’s probably true. I just stayed at a perfectly nice hotel in Milwaukee for $79 through Priceline. But yeah, if it were Chicago, NY, SF, etc. I can understand that.
In those cities, that’s probably true. I just stayed at a perfectly nice hotel in Milwaukee for $79 through Priceline. But yeah, if it were Chicago, NY, SF, etc. I can understand that.
If you’re an employed person over 30 years old there is really no acceptable reason to ask to crash at someone else’s house. Not only is it an inconvenience to the hosts (they have to clean up and put away all the dildos that would normally be strewn about) but it’s not even worth it. The $80 for a hotel room is well…
I dressed up as a private email server. I stayed locked in my room.
this is a bad take.
Packer fan here. Can confirm.
There’s a Mr. T painting (yes, a painting) sitting in the window of an abandoned building one block from my work. Should I run the risk of arrest to obtain it? Leaning toward yes. Please advise.
I hate hour-long TV shows especially because most of them are good and I want to watch them. A 30-minute show feels like a personal favor at this point. I appreciate those shows.
Drew Magary is really making the rounds lately.
They really are. The bit about the couple having a ‘nothing fight’ in the store still gets me. Also, it’s important to remember that while he did become a caricature, the guy’s parents died in the same year. As someone with that same unfortunate resume (though spaced out more) I can say, shit like that can ruin you.…
Hot take: I find him mildly funny. His album, “Retaliation” I legitimately enjoyed. FIGHT ME.
What’s your favorite guilty pleasure movie. I watched Top Gun the other night and was really into it.
I’ve never gotten the, “what kind of professional” thing. There are many professions out there. I happen to work in advertising and my co-workers and clients would get a kick out of something so unapologetically whacky. But if you’re a banker or a realtor or something, I get it.
Zillions of angles, scoops, flares and wings. It looks absolutely ridiculous.
Attacking reporters and media outlets - the very people who can amplify your voice and elevate your platform - seems like, uh, not a great idea guys.
Lecture people on Monday, what others will lecture about on Friday.
Are you excited for WestWorld?
This is so true. I’m a Packers fan and next to them, I watched more Raiders games last year than any other team. They’re so, so fun to watch.
Have you driven one with the performance package and if so, how does it compare?
Do you guys watch that new Jim Gaffigan show? It’s really good.
I’m just here to say that I still find people recording fights yelling “Worldstar!” funny. I’m not proud of this.