
Yeah, I meant 2008. Fun year.

The 2009-2011 Brewers were fun as hell, man.

Weird, because the real world I live in, people keep their business and personal relationships mostly separate.

Oh for real? Please tell me of this mystical land you call the real world!

That’s a pretty bullshit thing to do by the agent. For one, the blog wasn’t that bad. Yeah, it torched them pretty good, but nothing about it was malicious. It was the equivalent of a good roast. Second, the agent could’ve just spun it to his buddy as, “Well, that’s just Deadspin’s style and he was just trying to

No brioche bun??

It’s fitting that Barnwell is mentioned in a post about pettiness. Dude has the thinnest skin of anyone I’ve ever seen with a platform. He blocked me from Twitter for pointing out that his regression column on the Colts (this was like two years ago) was wrong. That’s it. And when people on Twitter gave him genuine

The 1960 Squaw Valley logo is an all-timer IMO.

Yep. And I will say, I think the design of The Ringer is pretty solid (though I don’t read it much).

What Barry said. But for more insight, you’d be surprised at how painfully ignorant most corporate execs are about good website design. And when it comes to writing checks to have these sites developed, it’s almost always by a committee of these execs, which is how you wind up with clusterfucks like ESPN, and, though

In terms of athletes that just leave you awestruck, she’s right up there with LeBron, Bo Jackson, Phelps, etc. When she’s locked in, few have been capable of the kind of athletic dominance she is. Unreal.

Have you guys watched Any Given Wednesday? Do you think it’s good or bad?

Eh, the Lakers believed Kobe’s contract would attract future players because of their loyalty and look where that got them. Durant wouldn’t even take their phone call. And it's LA...

Aw, mannnnn.

I mostly agree, but I’ve never been a fan of drawing the comparison of athletes and their jobs, to, y’know, regular jobs. Durant’s already secured enough money for multiple lifetimes, so you can’t (and I know you didn’t) make that analogy to real-world reasons to switch jobs. Another reason - playing/working in a

I actually didn’t mind the show as a whole. It’s clearly meant to be a TV version of his podcasts (his strongest area by far) and, while there were some rough edges, I didn’t think it was a complete shitshow for being, y’know, his first show. That said, my two main gripes are:

I’d trade-in 75% of my relatives for this. My god...what a beauty.

*fart noise*

We’re talking about golf, yes?

And you don’t believe that the sudden decline of the Warriors effectiveness had anything to do with the Cavs’ suffocating defense (and willingness to switch), including LeBron’s own unparalleled versatility to guard all five positions against a small ball team? For real?