No doubt. I’d put his performance in beating the Warriors up against any playoff stretch that Jordan had, no doubt. It was total mastery combined with sheer will and physical dominance. All hail.
No doubt. I’d put his performance in beating the Warriors up against any playoff stretch that Jordan had, no doubt. It was total mastery combined with sheer will and physical dominance. All hail.
I think about LeBron in the opposite way that I think you mentioned you thought of Ali - that Ali was, from a pure skill standpoint, not the best boxer, but on a larger scope, was almost universally regarded as the “greatest.” I still view Jordan as the greatest (for now anyway) in that he influenced an entire…
I drove through Beverly Hills last year and saw a good number of these cars just driving around. Kinda incredible.
I wonder how many of these fogies bitching about the Warriors thriving on, what is, statistically the lowest percentage shot you can take, are the same ones who bitched about Shaq ‘only dunking’ in the early aughts.
It’s a tad more expensive, but I think I’d still prefer an ATS performance trim with their 2.0 turbo and manual transmission. Easy to tune, too.
I would @ Peter King with a dick pic, delete it after 10 minutes and pretend that I meant to DM it. Pretty realistic IMO.
Getting two rings is pretty great - there have been plenty of fantastic players to never even sniff one - but even still, as a fan of watching excellence, I’m going to feel kind of gipped if LeBron never wins another one.
Because Paul is past his prime and they didn’t win shit with him IN his prime? If not that, shits and giggles?
Could Cleveland theoretically make a trade that involved Irving for CP3 and Love for Melo straight up? I’m not sure if the salaries work and I’m too lazy to look it up. Also, I still don’t believe they’d win a championship with that group, but at least they’d be more interesting.
I’m just glad Danny Chau has a bigger platform.
I’ve found putting cat nip on the stuff you DO want them to scratch (like their own goddamn stuff) helps quite a bit. And if you really want to prevent them from getting into certain things, put a little double-sided tape on it for two weeks. They’ll stop. They hate that shit.
I love these so much.
Man is he bad on TV. He’s legitimately a really a good interviewer (when he’s talking to someone smarter/more famous than him and he’s not talking over them incessantly) and for that, I listen to nearly all of his podcasts. His occasional column was even palatable to a degree. But for some reason, none of it…
Minnesota has some pretty nice drivers, but I suppose that’s to be expected. On the other hand, Kansas City has some of the worst drivers I’ve ever seen. A guy tailgated me yesterday (for no reason..I was in the right hand lane not even on the freeway) and I had my 10-month old daughter in the back. Also, there’s a…
I dunno about this. Wouldn’t attendance greatly depend on tourists? And if I’m a tourist, I’d much rather spend my time losing my ass at the craps table with a drink in hand, than on $12 Miller Lites and $10 hot dogs while baking in the sun, watching a shitass football team.
Next on 30 for 30...
Given how amazingly self conscious most celebs are, I’d say she handled it in a pretty great way. Most would immediately spring back up and act like nothing happened.
I swear like half these dudes played for the Bucks :(
Who was the single most competitive ‘Star’ you helped coach around the TG test track? I imagine Cruise is up there.