“If someone on the Braves (or another team) throws at Gomez b/c of this, then you could argue it’s what is killing the game’s popularity.”
“If someone on the Braves (or another team) throws at Gomez b/c of this, then you could argue it’s what is killing the game’s popularity.”
Fair points. And to be clear, I love baseball. Played it from 6-years old through college. But I hate the way so many (i.e. not everyone!) have gone out of their way to suck the fun out of it. I mean, there were people who were PISSED at Bautista’s bat flip, and that was the single, most fun moment of last season IMO.…
Lemme guess, you haven’t watched the NBA in a while, right?
Dibble’s comments are a small example of a larger problem that baseball has had for years. Also, I never said other sports were immune to crazy old guys saying stupid shit. Baseball just has way, way more of them.
Oh yeah, totally.
And people wonder why baseball is losing popularity among young people. NBA players could go full-on And 1 tournament during preseason and no one would care. Just thinking about this “respect the game” bullshit literally makes me tired.
I spend no less than three minutes watching that gif every time it’s posted.
How much money would it take for you to show your parents the entirety of your Google search history? (Assuming that was possible)
As a big fan of juvenile humor/pranks, I laughed at this for a solid two minutes.
If resources were no object, what (if anything) would you want to add to the site? More podcasts? More writers? Video content? Jason Whitlock frozen in carbonite in the Gawker lobby?
I’ve found that letting oatmeal sit for a few minutes afterward helps considerably. I usually put a paper towel over the bowl to conserve the temperature, while letting the oats absorb the remaining liquid (I use almond milk). A solid 3-4 minutes does wonders.
There are few things I can imagine being as uncomfortable as Sean Miller looked in that shirt. Seeing him literally makes me start sweating. Christ.
With that much police activity, you’d think Henson was trying to buy a Rolex in Whitefish Bay.
Funny, I emailed three VW dealers about GTI’s in the last couple of months, and each one said they were completely unwilling to negotiate on price. I’ve owned 15 different cars in my time and have never once had the dealer be so standoffish. Interesting strategy for a company hemorrhaging sales...
Sounds like the NSX is great to drive (and, in the spirit of the original, a very accessible, everyday supercar) and we obviously can’t compare it yet to the performance of the GT but after seeing both in person, I was a bit underwhelmed with the NSX. The GT though, I was floored by. I couldn’t believe the presence it…
Holy crap that gif is incredible. Never saw that before.
What is the staff consensus on Red Lobster VS. Joe’s Crab Shack? Please advise.
Yup. Brutal, brutal decision by the Thunder.
It’s funny you think Reilly knows what a Google doc is.
That’s pretty amazing. What a contagious laugh/moment.