
Don’t forget about Oscar’s Razor!

Because, Nets.

As long as we get one Mike Lupica impression by Drew per podcast, I’m cool.

Out of curiosity, did Deadspin try to hire any former Grantlander’s? Thought a few of them would be a good fit here.

Trading Kobe for Lebron is obviously an interesting What If, but the more interesting one for me is if the Cavs actually did have the assets beyond James to trade for Kobe. Kobe/LeBron for the next 5 years. Could have been a disaster. Could have also been 3-4 rings.

Jesus christ.

This is literally the most wrong take that I’ve ever read on this site. Congrats?

Wait, WAT. Cowherd and Whitlock are gone?

More stuff like this needs to be written (and hopefully read by people in leadership positions). As a new-ish Dad, it’s really struck me at how incredibly shitty the American work system is when it comes to families. Both my wife and I work in advertising and had to take our daughter to daycare at 18 weeks and it

Seems like they’re pretty good bro’s, but that wouldn’t prevent things from getting Testi.

Ugh. I smirked. See you in hell.


*slow clap*

Haha this was actually my post! I had no idea you guys ran it. Also, apologies for my horrible screen name. My ricer days are as old as eBay itself.

A lot of people thought the Pats should have let the Seahawks score last year in the Super Bowl. Wacky stuff can happen.

Ha, true. There's almost certainly no strategy to their shittyness.

I’m honestly starting to wonder if Kobe has an arrangement with Mitch/Jimmy to “help” the Lakers in his final season. They get a top-3 pick, he gets more points onto his resume. Everyone wins. By the end of the year he's going to be chucking it 40 times a game.

I was actually interested in a GTI w/ PP and had three dealers (all from different parts of the region, so it wasn’t a local thing only) refuse to knock a single dollar off MSRP. I couldn’t believe it.

Whichever team he plays against in his final game should sign Smush Parker and Kwame Brown to one-day contracts just to fuck with him.

Loved watching this guy play. I will always support NBA players who pass on a wide open dime in favor of a triple fake behind the back alley oop.