
I don't know if they could afford him (and I'm pretty sure they've burned their bridge with him anyway) but how amazing would it be if Love opted out, returned to the Wolves to pair up with Wiggins/Rubio and started crushing shit in the Western Conference?

It depends on the industry. In mine (advertising) meetings in general are almost universally regarded by creatives as unessential. Account people, strategists, planners, etc. it's far more important for the sake of efficiency.

I've actually found transparency is a good approach to getting out of meetings altogether. The whole, "I think my time is much better spent focusing on making the work the best that it can be as opposed to meeting about it. But if there's anything that pertains directly to me or the work, let me know afterward" seems

Curious Tim - do you like any ads? If so, which ones?

I really enjoy basketball but I don't know quite enough if this is realistic so I'm hoping those who do can enlighten me, trading Kyrie an actual possibility? And if so, for who? Would a Kyrie for Dragic + pieces work?

As a Packers fan, I can honestly say I feel bad for Dez. That kind of effort deserves to be rewarded. He did 99% of everything you can ask - both as fans and rule makers - he ran his ass off, timed his route perfectly, jumped through the goddamn stratosphere, and exerted every last bit of will from his finely-tuned

It took 500+ words to say, "Detroit is cold."

Totally understandable!

Liquid calories are almost always the easiest to cut out (assuming you're not full-on hooked on soda, which is pretty tough). I used to have a big glass of milk before bed because I read years ago that DURRRR SLOW DIGESTING CASEIN HELPS RETAIN MUSCLE. Fuck that. I cut that out and immediately saved myself 100 calories

I think the biggest challenge people face with their diets is going from one extreme to another. Just like you can't go from not working out to doing two-a-days, you can't go from eating pizzas wrapped in pancakes to salads and oats and grilled chicken. It's just too much to ask for most people. What I found (and this

The first plane I ever flew was AirTran, and, no shit - the overhead oxygen mask compartment was held shut by duct tape. I'll never forget that.

Kite surfing. So Rex is basically the Kenny Powers of the NFL. In other news, I now love Rex Grossman.

Ah, good call. But wasn't Mays just bad (like all older athletes become before they realize it)? Isn't the difference that Kobe isn't just bad - he's bad and giving less than zero fucks about it.

Serious question: Has any player who is a top-5 all-time (in any sport) ever tarnished his legacy quite like Kobe is in the process of doing? I know MJ on the Wizards was super weird, but he was at least somewhat effective and made the Wiz relevant for awhile. Favre toiling away on the Vikes his last season was also

Lorne Michaels is 70 years old. Does he have an heir apparent in place? And either way, do you think the show gets better or worse once its in someone else's hands? Thanks in advance!

I actually don't blame Sony for pulling the plug. They took an absolute pounding PR-wise for a month. Even if there was a 5% chance that these threats were credible (which I assume they had to have known from talking with FBI, CIA, etc.) you can't take even the slightest chance that something happens on opening night.

Whites, I tell ya.

All The Swear Words.

Yeah, possibly. I'm a huge Belgian/Trippel fan and I've found it to be on par with some of the other really good ones. Again though, just personal preference.

Well then you have a superior beer palate compared to mine. Congratulations. You can pick up your prize at the door.