Sprecher Abbey Triple is a fantastic belgian beer.
Sprecher Abbey Triple is a fantastic belgian beer.
I'm partial to Sprecher's german/belgian-inspired beers, but I'd argue that Lakefront might very well be the state's best brewer simply due to their range. Wisconsinite is my favorite summer beer - super light, but with lots of flavor. Their barn burner is an awesome high alcohol dark beer. And they started making a…
You're right, but you can still run into trouble if merely the likeness of a car is obvious (which it probably is on something with such an iconic front end). I've done ads showing cars before and we've always had to Frankenstein it together to make it kind of generic. They didn't do that in this case, but they're…
I love this idea so hard.
To be fair, it's not exactly the art director or photographer's fault this had to be shot like this - it's lawyers. Porsche's to be exact. Because if they showed the very front of the car with the Porsche logo, they'd have to get Porsche's permission, which, as you can imagine, would come with a hefty cost. Is this…
Gottlieb is a tool, but I'm not sure I agree that Kobe wearing a t-shirt demands those unaffected get involved. Or that it puts him squarely behind the cause. It doesn't take much effort to put on a t-shirt. If he (Or any of these athletes) are doing something or involved in helping to spread awareness about racial…
For my own selfish reasons (because I'm considering one) I'd love to know what the Hyundai Genesis 5.0 is like long term.
You forgot Lance Armstrong.
I fucking LOVE Dez Bryant.
I'm convinced that you're a demon? F'real? I don't even know you. But seriously, the whole "good cops will weed out bad ones" is hopelessly unrealistic. The current landscape is undoubtedly fucked up, but I'm all about coming up with solutions. And saying that if "all cops were good" (which no one ever said btw) there…
I'm not a cop apologist by any means, but what you said here isn't true. Cops ARE held to a higher standard (thus, our outrage over stuff like this) which makes the bad apples even more apparent. Both among blacks and whites (and everywhere in between) there are many, many bad apples. What happened to Eric Garner was…
I honestly don't know if I've ever seen a crossover that ruined someone's shit that hard. Mirotic looked like he got hit with a Street Fighter move.
Oh, ok. I believe them then.
As a Packers fan, I've been firmly aboard the, 'Aaron Rodgers for MVP' train pretty much all season (and there's still a very solid case for it) but holy fucking shit. It's not even fair how bad Watt dominates games.
I can't wait until I get to the age where I can just randomly say and do things and people are just like, "Well, he's old."
Always been a fan of the dig route.
Sure, I mean, he got lied to and that sucks. But it's still within his power to blow things up and he's chosen instead to protect his job (which, as a person with a fucking mortgage and all that, I can ALMOST understand). Thing is, by protecting his job he's protecting the league. It'd just be nice that at some point,…
I think we're long past him being an embarrassment. I get that we all have jobs we want to keep, but that he's shown this level of indifference to being used as an accessory in a smear campaign against the VICTIM of abuse doesn't make him an embarrassment. It makes him a straight up coward.
I promise this isn't me hot taking, but is it possible RGIII is just a more athletic, slightly more talented version of Tim Tebow? Without their mobility or college offense designed around them, they turned into shit.
Kalil had to be happy he got a hand on someone that day.