
The Grizzlies comparo is actually interesting in that it makes letting Pau Gasol walk even more baffling. If the Lakers want to replicate that style (which, nothing wrong with that so long as you have the personnel) you'd assume they'd want to pair the player everyone has compared to a young Z-Bo (Julius Randle) with

I thought this was just the game in Zaza Pachulia mode.

Clothing for needy families.

We sure RR doesn't stand for Rick Rolled?

I know this would never happen, but I'd love to see an actual game clock added to baseball. Just make it 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours). Every softball league pretty much does this exact thing (an hour limit) and you know what? Almost every one finishes before the hour time limit because that clock is a constant reminder

This is a stupid overreaction. People asked if Favre was done in 05/06 (4-12 and 8-8 seasons) and then he went bonkers in 07 (NFCC) and even more so in 09 (ditto). Brady's getting up there in age, but he didn't become Tim Couch overnight. Dude needs weapons.

Boy, Simmons is really having a rough week.

"Simmons, Skipper believes, is transitioning into an important influence and mentor at Grantland, and needs to leave his well-worn punkishness behind."

This is why the Jeter/Gatorade commercial was, despite Marchman's contention, totally fine. Yes it had a few strategically placed brand placements that cheapen things a bit, but ultimately, it was about conveying a feeling. New York loves Jeter and while that love has undoubtedly been intensified by so many other

New disclaimer: "The BS Report is a free-flowing conversation that no longer touches on mature subjects."

"Do you go to your national football association—run by men who are as bad, if not worse?"

Jeets always had range from deep in the hole.

You know who DIDN'T get plugs? Manu Ginobli. The Spurs do hairlines The Right Way, you guys.

This is pretty much what I think of A-B's statement:

I suppose "it worked" may have been a bit cut and dry. There's certainly a ton of collateral damage that's caused (and hard to recognize) by beating your kids like that. I don't know to what degree that impacted this particular kid because I didn't know him (or his family life) well enough, but there was an immediate

Sure. But it's not like we knew that beforehand.

Quick story - in 4th grade there was this little shit of a kid in my class. I guess you could say he was a bully, but not in the big, physically imposing kind of way most of us think of a bully. He was essentially a gnat - constantly annoying, talking shit, hitting other kids while laughing about it, and just

Jordy Nelson's numbers are pretty much on par with Dez Bryant over the last two years.

ESPN Producer: "Bill, you got a text from Roger Goodell. He's pissed."
