I'm just glad they didn't offer up some canned response. It should at least come in a jar.
I'm just glad they didn't offer up some canned response. It should at least come in a jar.
I don't remember seeing it in past years so it might be new, but New Belgium's "Pumpkick" is pretty damn solid for pumpkin beers.
Sounds like he's taking the fall to preserve his relationship with the NFL, but that's just me.
My wife's initials are A.K. so I named her team the AK Forte 7's.
You guys rightly give Rovell shit for being a brand-obsessed douche, but is there any part of sports marketing/advertising you find interesting?
I'll never forget when, in response to talking about Rex Ryan losing weight after cutting out snacks on Mike & Mike, Schefter said, "That's a lot of goddamn snacks!" I don't know why, but it made me like him more.
To prove your point further about Boston fans never being happy, Bill Simmons on his podcast yesterday with Aaron Schatz said the Pats season last year was, "borderline a complete disaster."
So I assume you never go to the beach.
I like the decision, but the outpouring of back-patting that Roger Goodell is getting seems a bit ridiculous. It's akin to Chris Rock's "I feed my kids!" bit. Correctly punishing people for punching women is something you're supposed to do, dummy.
I just moved to KC and drink this stuff all the time. Really solid.
If given the option, I'd gladly trade my literacy for his bank account.
7-iron > knife.
Well, can't blame her.
All kidding aside, this woman's attitude is incredible. From nearly day one she's been totally optimistic, which, completely baffles me considering her background as an athlete. I work at a desk and if something like this happened to me I'd be eating cheetohs and drinking moonshine in a dark room for 22 hours a day.
While it's certainly disconcerting that there's not a system in place for tracking this kind of thing (I honestly thought there was already), I do question the purpose of this exercise. If it's to further the discussion about getting one in place in order to gain additional data and insights, then great - I applaud…
Dude, Steve Francis is REALLY looking bad.
It's not insanely fast, but I loves me the Quattroporte.
I don't get how people can criticize this.
The meathead writes for Jalopnik, doesn't he?
I ride the same way. It's too bad most cyclists seem to revel in holding traffic up.